Chapter 16: Trick or treat

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Normally I would start getting ready already for tonight, but I'm actually to lazy today. It's only 13:06 and I'm also feeling kinda hungry. So I get out of the couch and walk straight to the kitchen where mom's standing. She's baking a special Halloween cake, that's also one of our traditions. Dad is outside carving pumpkins while Theo is playing with the old leaves that have fallen from the trees.

"Hi mom, wich type of cake are you making this year?" I ask while putting my finger in the chocolate batter. Hmmm ... delicious!

"I'm making a witch hat this year. Wanna help?" Last year she made a pumpkin looking cake. It looked nice and tasted so good.

"I'll help with the frosting and stuff." She's now pouring the batter in the baking mold.

"Okay, can you already put the plates on the table? We'll we eating soon. We're eating spaghetti and tonight we're eating tomato soup because you'll have to go trick or treating with Theo." This is the first year I'm looking to tonight because of Oliver. We'll actually be more busy keeping an eye on the little ones than on each other but I'm glad he's going to be there too.

When lunch is ready, I walk outside to shout for dad and Theo. Dad is done with carving and pumpkins look amazing. He walks to the front door to place them there. Theo is so dirty from playing outside that he has to wash his hands and face first.

After lunch I help mom decorate the cake and it looks so delicious. It'll taste so good later. When I'm done helping, I go back upstairs to make myself ready.

First it's time for a shower, since I didn't have time this morning. I take a long steamy one that when I get out, the mirrors have damp on them.

"Tessa?" A soft voice says behind me. I turn around and then look down. My little brother is standing there with one hand covering his eyes and the other one is holding a towel.

"Gosh, Theo! You scared me but thank you." I take the towel from him and put it around my body. "What's wrong?"

"Mom said that I should take a shower. Can you help me please?" He looks at me with puppy eyes that I can't say no to.

"Quick then, hop in." I wash his curly blonde hair with a honey shampoo. After the shower I walk to my room while Theo is getting his costume out of his room.

My suit is lying on my bed waiting for it's new 'hero' to put it on. Theo comes storming in with his batman costume on, only the ribbons at the back are untied.

"Come here little one." He runs to me and turns around so I can tie them.

"There you go."

"Thank you, Tessa. Batman owes you one now." He runs away in superman's position. Oh gosh, he's so adorable. He closes the door behind him and I then check my phone. 1 unread message.

Where do we meet each other? Or should I just come to your house? -Oliver xx

Can you maybe come to my house then we can go on from here? -Tessa xx

While I'm waiting for his message back, I put on my suit. If I do say so myself, I really look good in it. I"m going to curl my hair soon so I look for the curling iron. I plug it in and let it heat up for a few minutes. In the mean time, Oliver has answered.

Great! We'll be there around 18:30. -Oliver xx

"SHIT!" Really, does this really have to happen to me now? I burned myself with the curling iron and it left a huge red spot on my neck. It stings so hard, I run to the bathroom and hold a smaller towel under water to put it on it. At least I'm done curling my hair.

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