Chapter 8: Business party

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"Jake!? Hi Jake!", I turn around to see Amy standing there. What is she doing here? Why is she invited?
He immediately lets go of my hand and walks towards her. He grabs her upper arm and pulls her a side. I can see that he's mad. Amy facial expression immediately changes into confusion.
"What... here? I... never come back."
"I... you.", I can only hear a few words that they're saying to each other because it's so loud in here.
"Don't!... broke up.. time ago!"
".. know, but... miss..."
"Go.. else! Don't... me anymore!", he let's go of her arm and walks back to me. He doesn't look to happy.
"What did she want?", I take both of his hands and look into his eyes. His eyes are darker than other times.
"Nothing!", he snaps. Immediately let go and take a step back. His face expression gets softer.
"Look... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that. She's just here and I.." with his hands he goes through his hair.
"I understand, it's hard to see your ex back after you've dated for 2 years.", he looks confused but then looks relieved.
"I'm glad you understand me."
He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.
"Aren't people gonna suspect anything?"
"I'll just tell them that you're my favorite cousin ever!", I chuckle and so does he.
"Let's get a drink.", he proposes. I actually really am thirsty so I agree.
While we walk to the bar we see a lot of people staring.
"They're all staring at you.", I whisper.
"Oh no, they're not staring at me. They're staring at you! You're so beautiful.", I grab his hand and rest my head against his shoulder. By doing that more and more people start staring.
We each sit on a chair next to the bar and Jake asks for two glasses of champagne.
"Uuhm... I don't drink.", I quietly say.
"I won't pressure you but, I swear to you it's good.", he takes a sip of his glass and makes a face that shows delight. He convinces me to take a sip, so I take one. It's actually really good, but I don't show it because I don't like when people are right and I'm wrong.
"Son! Who's your date tonight?", I turn around on the chair to look at probably Jakes dad.
"Father how good to see you.", he puts on a fake smile.
"Great party.", he adds.
"Yes yes! indeed all thanks to my party planner."
"So are you going to introduce me to your date or what?"
"Are you being serious right now? It's Tessa dad!"
"Owe yeah...", he starts fake laughing.
"Nope, don't know her.", he says super serious. Jake can't believe his ears and squeezes his nose bridge.
"It's my cousin, dad!! Your her uncle!Unbelievable!", he grabs my hand and drags me somewhere else.
"I was just joking of course I know who she is!", we hear behind us. Jake ignores him and walks further. He stops at a place where there's not a lot of people.
"I'm so sorry about my dad. He just drank to much and you know... I'm so embarrassed by him.", I take a hold of his cheeks and give him a sweet kiss on his lips.
"It's okay, no big deal.", he gives me a hug and we stay like that for a long time. When he let's go off me he gives me another kiss on my lips and we then walk back to where the rest of the people are.
"I'm going to restroom.", I whisper in his ear.
The restroom is located at the whole other side of the building. When I am finally there I open the door use the toilet and wash my hands.
I take a look at myself in the mirror and look at a 'new friend' on my forehead. Just then the restroom door opens. It's Amy coming in. I immediately take my purse so I can leave.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Leaving", I say. I mean isn't that obvious.
"That's not what I meant."
"Well, then what do you mean?", I got better things to do than stay here and talk to you.
"What do you think you're doing with Jake?"
"Uhm... going to his fathers business party.", duhhh.
"Don't play stupid. I know you two are dating again. I took him away from you once and I assure you it's going to happen again. So don't think it's gonna last for long.", what's her problem? I really don't see why Jake likes her. I roll my eyes and walk away.

When I walk back I see Jake leaning against a table. He's sipping on his glass of champagne. When he sees he puts his glass aside and walks over to me. He bows and holds his hand up.
"My lady, can I have this dance?", he says with a charming voice.
"Well, of course you may.", I say with an even more charming voice. I bow deep and take a hold of his hand. He leads me to the dance floor and we start dancing on a couple of slow songs. It's actually feels really good being with him. He's so sweet and cute and caring and has all of the characteristics a good boyfriend should need. That's my opinion. I rest my head on his chest and I can hear his heartbeat. He rests his chin on the top of my head and puts his arms around my waist. Unfortunately someone has to ruin this moment.
"My turn now, move over Tessa. You don't mind, do you?", what does she think she's doing?
"Actually I do!", I take my place back into Jake's arms. Just then I fall on the ground. I look up and Amy she has got the devils eyes. She takes off her high heels and throws them aside. They literally end up at the other side of the room. Jake runs up to me and pulls me up. Before I can stand properly, Jake is pushed aside. It's the same person who pushed me aside, Amy. I mean doesn't she like him? I feel something aching in my cheek. She hit me, she slapped me in the face. I can't take that, that crosses my line. I slap her back, so hard on her left cheek.
"BITCH FIGHT!!!", someone yells from the crowd. What's Jake doing, isn't he supposed to protect me or so? But... he's nowhere. Really Jake... thank you! I'm not supposed to worry about Jake at the moment since I'm in a fight with a careless, sneaky bitch. She really has lost her mind. She runs up to me with her fists in the air. I slide aside so she'll just run forward. She just turns back around and jumps on me. Literally on me. Because of that I get dragged down. I give her a punch in the stomach with my elbow.
"Ughhh...", she falls back and puts her arms around her stomach. Payback!! Bitch!!! Just then a security guard grabs my arms and drags me outside. Amy stands up again and is on her way over to me until another security guard grands her too and drags her to the other side.
The security guard, apparently Alex, guided me to a car. Can you guess who's car it was from? Well... Jake! Of course. He didn't help to get his car, seriously? He opens the door so I can sit. I don't want Jake to drive me home anymore because he left me in there. But... I have no choice. He was my drive here and is going to be my drive back home too.
"Thanks man! I appreciate it.", I hear Jake say before he opens the door and sits beside me.
"That was fun.", he says in a super normal way. Gosh, is he being serious right now? What the freak is his problem? Just a minute ago I fought wish his ex and finds it to be normal? He's such a stupid, careless dude! Sometimes... At some moment he can be really sweet and loving. Like that one time he came to my house to watch a movie with me because I was home alone and we did watch home alone too. But... no more thinking about that!
"Why did you leave me there?", I say angrily.
"I thought you were handling it pretty well so I got the car and asked Alex if he could step in. He did his job and I'm glad you're safe and sound.", oh my gosh! Is he kidding? I look at him to see if his face expression changes. But no he looks like always. No emotion, nothing. So he's not kidding, and he didn't help me. Okay, if we're gonna play it like this, we'll play. I just ignore him till he drops me off. I open the car door, step out and slam the door shut. I don't bother kissing or hugging him. I walk onto the porch take my keys open the door and walk straight to my room.

Chapter 8!! Hope you enjoy it😊

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