Chapter 11: Issues

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Monday is the worst day. First day of school. Mostly the longest and most hated day. I wake up feeling happy even though it's Monday. I decide that I'm gonna forgive Jake. After the kiss, Oliver and I shared, I feel kinda guilty. Today after school I'll go to his house to apologize for ignoring him and all the rest.

I take a shower and put my hair up in a ponytail. I take a pair of ripped, black jeans and a light purple tank top. I put on a pair of earrings and a necklace. I take my phone and send Michael a text: Are you coming over this morning? We'll have breakfast together..
About a minute later I receive a text and it's from... Michael: I'm on my way!
I walk downstairs while scrolling down my insta and replying to a couple of messages. I walk in the kitchen and bake pancakes. Mom and dad are already at work and Theo is already in kindergarten. When the first couple of pancakes are done I hear the doorbell. I run to the door and open it. Michael is standing there in a pair of white jeans and a red hoodie.
"Come in!", I say. He takes off his shoes and walks to the kitchen.
"Hmm... pancakes.", he says while rubbing over his stomach. He takes a plate and a couple of pancakes. He drizzles chocolate syrup over it.
"We only have 10 minutes left.", I say with my mouth full.

After breakfast, I clean up and walk outside. I'm glad Michael came by car, so I jump in on the passenger side. I put on the radio and our favorite song comes up.

I'm jealous, I'm overzealous
When I'm down, I get real down
When I'm high, I don't come down
I get angry, baby, believe me
I could love you just like that
And I could leave you just as fast

But you don't judge me
Cause if you did, baby, I would judge you too
No, you don't judge me
Cause if you did, baby, I would judge you too

And then we sing as loud as possible:
Cause I got issues
But you got 'em too
So give 'em al to me
And I'll give mine to you
Bask in the glory
Of all our problems
Cause we got the kind of love
It takes to solve 'em

We can't continue the rest of the song, because we drive onto school properties. I turn the music down and unbuckle myself. When Michael stops I walk out, take my backpack and walk to school. Michael comes and walks next to me.
"You remember the boy from last?", he says kinda nervously.
"Mhm.", I think I know what's gonna happen but is listen.
"I don't know how to say it...", I stop and look at him. I can see he's uncomfortable with this. I take a hold of his hands and look him into the eye.
"Hey, it's okay!", he looks back at me and he goes through his hair with his hands. He turns around and says quietly: "I think I like him.", it was almost to quite, but I still heard it.
"I think I like him.", he says a little louder then. I knew it! I jump up and swing my arms around his neck.
"I'm proud of you.", I whisper in his ear. I actually didn't know he was gonna admit this fast. But I'm glad he did. He blows out a deep breath.
"This was hard.", he says and chuckles. I get him, I would find it hard too. We walk further holding each other's hands. I walk to my locker and take out my books. I look beside and and see Michael on his phone. I can't see what he's doing but he's probably sending a text to Mason. I smile while thinking about it. I'm enjoying my last minutes on my phone and just when I wanted to type a message to Jake, the bell rings. I put my phone away and I then walk to my class. I say goodbye to Michael and he walks further.

Miss. Valente is standing in the front and there are only a few people sitting on their chair. To my surprise Oliver is already sitting at the back. Talking to Kevin who's sitting on my chair. When I walk towards them, they both look up and smile. Kevin's cheek is still a little yellow from the slap. He stands up and walks towards his place.
"Yow Tessa.", he says while walking past me. I slide my backpack from my back and put on the ground next to the desk. I take off my jacket and hang it over the chair. I sit down and take my books.
"You look nice today.", Oliver says. He's looking at my face and frowns.
"Is there something wrong?", I ask while going over my face with my hands. He touches my lip corner with his fingertip and says: "A crumble of something." Why didn't Michael say anything? I have been walking with it through half of the school today. But whatever, it's not like people could see it from far.
"Uhm.. thanks.", I quietly say. The rest of the people are entering the class and I can see that Moon and Samuel are holding hands. Must have been a great party for them. That was such a great moment to go searching for them. They kiss each other goodbye and my face expression changes. Why do people have to kiss goodbye? They are sitting in the same class and there's only one desk between them. Oliver starts laughing beside me.
"What?", I ask while looking at him.
"Don't like them as a couple?", he keeps laughing. I don't know what's so funny.
"I do! I have nothing against it, but I don't know why they're kissing each other goodbye when there's only one desk between them.", I say, talking very fast. He looks confused at me.
"Never mind.", I say and I shake my head.

When class is over I walk outside for the break. Moon, Iris and Sienna follow short after.
"So guys... have you heard!", I start and look at Moon. She immediately jumps forward and covers my mouth. When she finally let's go she says: "Don't. Say. It." I smirk and look at Iris and Sienna. Moon gives me deathly glare.
"Moon and Samuel were doing naughty things at the party!", I shout excitingly. I think everyone heard but yeah.. oops.
Moon is turning red and is slowly walking backwards leaning against the wall. Iris and Sienna are looking from me, to each other, to Moon. And then over and over again. After a few minutes they start laughing so loud. Everyone is staring at us for no reason. I mean nothing's going on here. I know Moon is going to kill me later. I actually didn't remember if I told them already so I just said it again. It's actually so funny thinking about it again. I try not to because, you know, I saw them half naked. But just the idea makes me laugh already.
"They were walking right past us when shouted it you... you... stupid!", Moon whispers loudly. Technically you could say she was talking but let's just call it loud whispering almost talking.
"Bad timing?", I say trying to not laugh.
Mason probably left school already leaving me here. Now I have to walk to Jake's house. It isn't that far but I'm to lazy to walk. Literally I barely get on the stairs to walk to my room. During the rest of the break Moon is still 'angry' at me. I keep telling her that it wasn't that weird but she's ignoring me. Iris and Sienna fully support my side and keep laughing. And through them I start laughing too. And of course everyone is looking at me even Samuel and Oliver. I smile at them and Oliver smiles back. But Samuel... he doesn't look to happy. He immediately turns back and walks further away. Okay someone's grumpy today.

I'm sitting in Biology and I'm drawing in my book. We've got a new teacher and he sucks. I think he doesn't know anything of the subject because the only thing he does is wright down the answers from in the book. I don't care the less I have to pay attention in class, but he makes it so boring. Finally the bell rings. I close my book and walk outside before properly putting it in my backpack. I run outside and walk to aunt Elisabeth's house. It's about a 10 minutes walk from school. I start walking faster and take my phone, I put on a song and start humming with it.
When I'm getting closer and closer I start getting more nervous. My hart is gonna pop out my chest any minute. When I arrive I knock on the door.
"Come in!", I hear from the other side. Aunt Elisa is standing in the living room while talking with someone on the phone.
"Jake?", I whisper, while pointing upstairs. She nods and points upstairs too.
I walk up and I'm deciding how I'm going to tell him. I stand still in front of his door and then find the courage to open it. I'm full of good energy, but what I see here will always stay printed in my head. I gasp and I feel that I'm going to cry any moment.

I'm so sorry that it took so long to write. I didn't have that much time because you know school and to be honest, I don't know if I should continue. Isn't it getting boring already? Anyways let me know and hope you enjoy!
And again I'm sorry for posting so late.

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