Chapter 6: Is this a dream?

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"Jake don't do this!! You're not thinking straight!", I keep telling them they don't need to do this.
"I won't unless you choose me! If not I will."
"Jake please!", I start crying.
"Oliver you have to understand! Please don't do this."
"Tessa I have to. It's the only way. I'm sorry.", I run to him and try to grab his hand to pull him down but he just shoves me aside. I go to the last person and beg him to not do this.
"Michael...", the tears literally drop like a waterfall. I can barely see or speak.
"Michael! You're my... friend! Why are you doing this?"
"Dear Tessa it's simple... choose and this will all be over.", they're in like some sort of trance or something of that kind. There just not thinking straight. I'm not gonna let this happen!
"You're times all most up. You're gonna have to chose now.", Jake speaks without showing any emotion.
"How did it get to this? I don't understand. Explain to me!! Please... just don't!", I keep crying but they don't seem to care.
"We all fell for you. Now you have to choose, if you don't there will be circumstances.", Oliver turns his back to me and so the other two follow.
"But... but I don't get why!? Why..."
"This is how it has to be. There's no other way!", Michael says.
"You're times up! Who will it be?", they all say together. I don't want to choose... I just can't. Just at the moment I would be getting a mental breakdown, I woke up. I was panting loud and sweating hard.
To my surprise I don't wake up in my bed but on an deserted island. I think it's  a deserted island. I'm so confused wright now, but really so confused. I sit up straight and see nothing but sand, trees and ocean. At first I think I see someone's shadow but it must have been nothing. I see it again and this time I go take a look. I walk to were the 'forest' starts, there I see a guy with brown hair. I immediately think about Jake. About how much I miss him and how much I hope he's okay.
"Eeuhm... excuse me, can you tell how I got here?", I carefully asked. The guy turns around and I jump into his arms. "Oh god! Jake... you scared me why didn't you just come to me?", he doesn't answer and he doesn't hug me back. He's got this glassy eyes like there's no soul left in him. I start to freak out again and take a few steps back. My foot is stuck behind a root of a tree and I fall hard on the ground. My back bumps onto someone. I turn around to see Oliver there. He's got that same glassy eyes as Jake and his face doesn't show any emotion. I crawl back and stand up, I turn around to bump into someone. I look up to look into Michael's eyes. They're eyes are all glassy. I start to breath heavily and then start to hyperventilate.
"I... I... I can't... I can't breath!"
If hyperventilating wasn't worse enough they started coming closer... and closer... and closer...
"Please....", I can't! This is too much! I don't get why they're doing this.
"You have to choose and this will all end." They each pull a knife out off there pockets and hold them firmly.
"No... don't... please... don't... I... I can't anymore...", this is all too much for me and I can't get anymore air in my lungs.

I couldn't remember what happened after, but this time I wake up in my own room. I am so relieved this was a dream. I look at my phone and see that it's 03:37. I go lie back down and close my eyes. It's really hot and I'm sweating. I throw my blanket on the ground and try to go to sleep again. Just then I feel something tickling on my feet. I rub my two feet over each other just to be sure it wasn't something creepy.
I try to go back to sleep and then I feel it again. Then two hands grab my both feet and pull me to the front of my bed. I scream really loud and I'm surprised my mirror didn't break. Where are mom and dad? Aren't they supposed to come when their child is screaming?
Michael, Oliver and Jake stand there again.
"You have to choose!"
"You're times up!"
"You have to choose!"
"Your times up!"
I start screaming louder and louder. Just then the doors open. To my relief it's mom and dad.
"Mom, dad please help!", I start crying again and I really don't know from where all these tears are coming.
"You have to choose!"
"You're times up!"
No not you guys to!! I crawl back and go sit against the wall with my knees up and hold my chin against my chest.
"You have to choose!"
"You're times up!"
I can't listen to there voices anymore. I put my hands around my ears but it doesn't really work. I still here all there voices.
I start crying harder and start screaming louder. This goes on for like an eternity...

'Baby please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my hart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my hart
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my hart'
I wake up screaming and turn off my alarm clock. My bed is totally soaked. I look around to check if Jake or Oliver or Michael won't just reappear again. I then shout:
"MOM!!?? DAD!!??",  after a while they come in running.
"Darling are you okay? You look pail...", my dad says. I put his face in between my hands and look into his eyes. They're not glassy, that's a relief.
"Sweetie what's going on you're acting weird.", mom says. I'm not acting weird they just don't understand what I've been through.
"I'm fine.", I say "I just had a bad dream.", mom puts her hand on my head.
"Darling you're feeling hot. You're having a fever."
"Mom, honestly I'm feeling fine."
"Just go lie back down! You're not feeling well."
"Mom please just let it go... I'm fine.", I quickly run to the bathroom and take a shower. I let the hot water run over me massaging my head and shoulders. I keep reliving my dreams. At least I think it was a dream. I really hope is was one. It wasn't really one but three, but who's counting wright?
After the shower I brush my teeth, comb my hair and blow dry it. I put on concealer and mascara. In my room I pick a blue skirt and a white top. The sun is shining and it's hot so this is the perfect outfit. I put on my white nikes, take my backpack and go downstairs.
"Darling if you're not feeling well please stay home. I'll stay home too.", I walk to her and give her a hug.
"Mom... I'm fine I promise. If I'm not feeling well at school I'll let you know."
"Promise.", I let her go take an apple and go outside. I just wanted to take my bike when I hear a car horn.
I go look and see that it's Jake. He steps out of his car and walks towards me. I immediately react by walking backwards. He stops and frowns.
"What's wrong?", he really looks concerned. Relax Tessa it's not another dream. He at least said something else than: you have to choose. I walk to him and look into his eyes. Not glassy. I immediately feel relieved. I press my lips on his and then hug him tight.
"I'm so glad you're okay!"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Never mind. What are you doing here?", I'm happy he's here but it's weird he's here in the morning. I thought he sleeps till 12:00 or something.
"I'm here to bring you to school. As your boyfriend it's my job to escort, bring you where ever you want and do what ever you want. Most of the times then.", he laughed with the last part.
"Well then what are we waiting for? I'll be late. Let's go!"
"Yes boss!", I started laughing so hard and so did he.
"Seriously? Boss?"
We kept laughing and talking until we arrived at school.
"Before you go you have to choose..."
The smile on my face immediately left and made place for anxiousness.
"Excuse me?"
"Yeah if I should wear a blue or white shirt tonight? It's my fathers business party."
"Owww uuhmm... put on a blue one that matches your eyes."
"Will do and... would you want to be my date?", oohhnn so sweet. But is this not gonna be weird because we're kind of family? Well... what ever...
"Of course I will!"
"Great I'll pick you up at 19:00 tonight."
"Wait you're gonna pick me up after school too?"
"Of course I'll be here."
I give him one last kiss before entering the school. Just when I step on school grounds, the bell rings...

Okay so this is a more different kind of chapter than the others. I know they keep repeating the same sentences all over again, but I find it hard writing stuff like this. I still hope you enjoyed it. If you like these kind of things... let me know in the comments. I love to know what you guys think and like. Thanks again for reading and voting on these chapters. And one more thing on which team are you: #Olissa #Jessa or #Messa? Let me know in the comments.

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