Chapter 13: Dance competition?

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I wake up feeling exhausted because I didn't sleep all night. I kept thinking about what happend yesterday. He didn't even bother, he just continued doing what he was doing, kissing his precious Amy. I notice that Pepper, my cat, Isn't here anymore. Must have left in the night whiteout me noticing. Which is kind of weird because I stayed up all night. Must have slept a few hours then.

I throw the bedsheets of my bed and stand up. I slowly walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. If it was up to me I would just go to school with my jogging and top, but the stupid school rules make me not do it. I look at myself in the mirror and what I see there is awful. It's not me, my eyes are red of crying all night. My mascara is smooched all over my face, I've got panda eyes now. My hair looks like It's electrified and It's pointing to every direction.

Before I step in the shower I use the toilet. This day couldn't get any worse, till, the moment I sit down on the toilet seat. Shit I think in my self. Are you kidding me. It's the time of the month, Iv'e got my period. It's time to celebrate everyone! Can't you see I'm having the best time of my life.

I take of my clothes and throw them in the laundry box. I turn on the shower and let it heat up first. After a while the shower reaches the temperature I like and I step in.

I stand like that for about 5 minutes, realizing that I have school in about a half an hour or so. I wash my hair with my favorite shampoo and then put in some conditioner. I let it set for like 10 seconds and then wash it off together with the soap I washed my body with.

I get out and wrap a soft towel around my body and wrap a smaller towel in my hair. I look in the mirror again and most of the mascara washed off already but the rest I wipe off with makeup remover. I brush my teeth and put on some fancy products to get rid of my acne, I keep using it even though it doesn't work.

I walk back to my room and take my phone. 137 unread messages, from our class group chat. Don't people have better things to do then that. I usually don't get involved I only read and delete. Mostly delete because It's boring anyway.

I open the app Spotify and open my favorite album. The first song that's playing is 'Shout Out To My Ex' form little mix. It immediately reminds me of Jake. I feel tears coming but I stay strong and push them back. I start singing the lyrics softly and open my closet. It has a huge mirror on it so I can always take a look at myself which only makes me feel more miserable because I look awful.

I take a pair of blue, skinny jeans and a grey sweater. I decide to put on a pair if earrings to at least have something nice on my face. I throw the towel on the ground and comb my hair. I decide to let it hang loose on my shoulders. I walk back to the bathroom and hang up my towels to let them dry. I put on some concealer under my eyes and a bit of mascara.

After breakfast I take my bike and go to school. Luckily I don't cross any other people that I know. I arrive way to early and put my bike in the bike shed, then I walk to a bench located on the other side of the school ground. Not many people go there so I can just sit there and clear my mind.

I don't for how long I have been sitting there but suddenly I hear the bell ring.
I stand up and look at the time. "Shoot!" I whisper shout. I have math so I need to hurry. Miss. Valente doesn't like to wait and doesn't like people who are late. I arrive just in time. Miss. Valente looks at me and tells me again that she doesn't like us being late. I apologize and walk towards Iris.
"Hey girl! Where were you?", she asks while we're walking to class.
"Just thinking and lost track of time.", I don't want to tell her that I dated my cousin because it's kinda weird and I don't know how she's gonna react.

We all enter class and I go sit at my usual spot next to Oliver. Well you probably know what we have to do: solve math problems, solve math problems and solve more math problems.

My first two periods after the big break are at the gym. I ate really slow because I wasn't that hungry. I run to the place where Moon and the rest are standing. They see me running and are looking weird at me. You could say that I was kinda running like a penguin. I arrive just in time, when I turn around I can see Mr. Stone walking towards us. "Everyone!" He shouts and claps in his hands to make us pay attention. "Today we're dancing!" He says while wiggling with is eyebrows. Not to bad is it? "In pairs!" He says after that. I can't really dance but I don't say that I don't like it. I just don't really like dancing with a partner. "Let's go to the gym area so you can get dressed and then I'll tell you who's going to be partners with who." We can't even choose are own partners? I hope I get a partner who can dance ...

We enter the gym and we head to the locker room. I put my clothes in the locker whole the way at the back. Iris, Moon and Sienna follow me and put there clothes on the other side of mine.
I get undressed, fold my clothes and put them in the locker. I open my backpack and take out my sporty shorts and and light blue sweater that reaches my belly button.

I take out my running shoes and put them on. When I'm done I noticed that my hair is loose and I didn't bring a hair tie.
"Moon do you have a hair tie for me?" "Please?", I quickly repeat after that. I smile to her and give her puppy eyes. I know this sounds as if I'm overreacting with the puppy eyes stuff but I already lost a bunch of her hair ties.
"Fine! How can I resist the eyes.", she says. She opens her bag again and takes out a smaller shiny bag. In there there's a hairbrush, hair ties, lipgloss, all the girly things.
"Here you go.", she hands me a goldenish tie and I give her a quick hug.
"This why we're best friends.", she says and we both start laughing.
Before we leave I put my hair in a ponytail. We walk outside towards where the boys are standing.

"Gather around people!", Mr. Stone shouts and stands up to walk towards us.
"I have a surprise for you guys and girls!", everyone's heads turn towards him. It's getting more interesting by the minute.
"The principal and I decided that we're going to organize a dance competition this year!", everyone frowns and looks disappointed. I like dancing but this is too much.
"Like I said earlier you're dancing in pairs! That means per two." As if we didn't know that. " The pairs exist out of a boy and a girl! You're even so that's why I chose this class!", yeeyy so great.
Feel the sarcasm.

"I made a list with pairs! So you can go check it out!", when no one moves he yells 'Go'. At that moment everyone runs to the place where the paper is hanging. I'm not one of the people and just walk there slowly.
Before I could properly see my partner I feel someone touch my shoulder. I turn around and to my surprise Kevin is standing there.
"Hi.", I say not knowing what else I could say. He looks at me and starts laughing.
"We're partners.", he says and looks at me with a frown. "Aren't we?"
"Oww euhm. I didn't see yet.", I turn around and look at the list and there it is: Tessa and Kevin. We're first on the list. My eyes scroll further down. Are you freaking kidding me? Adelaide and Oliver. I'm not jealous I swear or maybe I am. I don't know. My feelings are all over the place at the moment.
I turn back to face Kevin and give him a smile.
"I guess we are.", I say. I was kinda hoping to be Oliver's partner but Kevin's fine too I guess.
"Let's go then.", he says. He gives me a big smile and puts his arm around my neck.

What do you think about the dancing competition? Should I make Jake come back in another chapter or just leave him out? Don't forget to press the vote button if you want to😉 ByeBye

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