Chapter 17: The day before the competition

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The day starts when I wake up of course. I do the usual things, take a shower, put on some clothes, have breakfast and so on. It's been a while of the day with the whole 'fight' and stuff. Oliver's been doing fine, his bruises are gone just in time for the competition tomorrow. I've practiced hard with Kevin and we're doing great, if I say so myself.

I have to admit Oliver and Adelaide's dance is better and they'll definitely win, but I'm not in to win just to make fun. Okay, maybe also a little to win but that's not the main point.

It's Saturday morning an mom is baking pancakes. Michael can enter the room any second, I invited him over for breakfast, like most of the time.

"Bonjour everyone!" And there he is, as energetic as always. I chuckle and walk over to him.

"Well you're in a good mood."

"Like always. It's also because ..." He comes closer and whispers in my ear: "Mason slept over." He starts blushing and chuckling. They're the cutest couple besides me and Oliver of course. Okay not really they're adorable. Fine they're so much cuter. But that's beside the point.
I poke him with my elbow and wiggle my eyebrows to tease him.

"Oh shut up! Nothing happened." I look at him and narrow my eyes. He's looking very serious, so he's probably telling the truth.

"Michael buddy, long time no see!" Dad walls up to him and they give each other a bro hug. I still have no idea why they do that. I mean he's my father and Michael's my friend.

"Yeah man! The game yesterday ... so close. But they'll win another time." Oh and another thing. Mason, Michael and my dad watched some kind of sport together yesterday and I was not invited. Well actually I'm glad because I would just be asking how long until the break.

They left really late and apparently Mason stayed over so Michael's happy. If I'd ask my parents if Oliver could stay over, I'd definitely get a NO as answer. We sit down, each on our usual seats and mom brings in the pancakes.

They. Smell. So. Gooood!

I put two on Theo's plate because I'm a very nice sister, most of the time and then take two for myself. Michael takes four and puts on a bunch of maple syrup. It's a wonder that he doesn't become, you know, fat.

When we're done we help with the dishes and Michael and I walk upstairs. I have the final rehearsal later on the day with Kevin.

Oh, and if you've been wondering I didn't join their dance group, because one I'm not good enough, two I'm not that social and I'm to lazy and three it'll be weird because Oliver's my boyfriend and when we break up well you know ... it'll be awkward.

Another plus point my little brother and Oliver's little sister adore each other. She comes to our house each week to play with Theo and of course I go out with Oliver or he just stays and we watch a movie or something which may sound boring because you could always watch a movie on your own but it is fun.

Michael and I talk about different things: school, boys, secrets. Not just any secrets but secrets from other people. You may think if you  know about their secrets than it's no longer a secret. But you're wrong, they don't know that I know so I mean it's still kinda a secret ... I guess. Never mind it's Saturday people I'm still half asleep.

Another thing I have no idea how he knows al of their secrets but they seem to tell him everything at any time which is a cool, the only problem is that they trust Michael and that's not good. Well it is for me, now I now EVERYTHING!! Almost everything ...

Around lunch Michael goes home and I start making homework since I don't have time this evening and tomorrow.

"Bye mom!"
"I'll pick you up later! Just send me a text when you're done!"
I walk up the porch of Kevin's house and I can see that Oliver's there too, his car is parked in front of the house.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

I jump back by the sound of the doorbell. It's really loud, like so loud that I hear it from outsider, which is obvious since I jumped back.

The last time I was here there were all kinds of people, drunk and stoned and they were all over the place. It was also the time that I saw Moon and Samuel together. Moon that was topless and Samual that was kissing her fully on the lips, amazing.With that thought I start laughing and then someone opens the door.

"Hello?" A high pitched voice asks. I look up and see a beautiful women with long black hair. She's wearing a purple dress that reaches her knees. Her brown eyes look down at me through her thick, long black lashes. Her cheekbones come out really strong and it makes her face look sharper, but she still looks very sweet. I think I know her but I don't k ow from where.

"Hello, I'm here for Kevin. We're supposed to practice for our dance." She immediately walks forward and gives me a hug.

"Of course, Kevin told so much about you. You're a very good dancer. I saw the videos that Kevin made of you guys. Have you ever considered joining our dance group, the tigers."

"Kevin already asked me, but I said no. I'm not good enough yet."

"That's why you have to join, we will teach how to dance even better. Just think about it again."

Mhmm, I really don't want to join but I can't just say it in this sweet ladies face. When I walk in misses Jefferson walks towards the kitchen and I walk upstairs. In his room I find him playing PlayStation with Oliver. They're both to concentrated so they both don't see walk in.

I try and walk very softly towards their backs and when I reach them I shout: "Hiii"

They both jump up and drop their consolers.

"Tess! What the freak was that for?!" Kevin shouts and puts a hand in front of is chest. Well I didn't know they were going to get that scared, I mean it wasn't even scary. Oliver has already calmed down and leans in for a kiss. He kisses me and I kiss him back, the whole time Kevin was standing there and just looking at us.

"Okay you two lovebirds. It's time for practice, Tessa. I'm sorry man but you gotta go."

"Yeah Yeah I'm going already." Oliver let's go of me and puts on his jacket. He walks towards the door but before he can leave I stop him and hug him. I actually never thought of it but he smells so good, like a bunch of flowers in a field.

Our dance routine is going great. I don't make any mistakes which is an improvement from last time. We still need to work on our end pose since I have to sit in his neck for about ten seconds and I barely reach five. We haven't got any time over so we're just gonna hope for the best.

After practice I'm exhausted, I send mom a text that we finished and in the mean time we play PlayStation, more like he's actually playing and I'm trying to get my aim right.

Ping, ping, ping

My phone keeps buzzing and making noises. The texts are from Moon.
Girl you gotta see this ...

I look at the screenshots she send me and it's Oliver getting all cozy with Adelaide. Oliver and Adelaide walking her dog, having dinner, watching a movie, practicing for their dance ...

Well I understand that they practice but all the other stuff knowing that Adelaide is crushing on him. Doesn't he see that? I decide to just let it be and ask for an explanation tomorrow when I see him.

I say goodbye to Kevin and tell him we're going to do good tomorrow and drive home.

It's finally out, took me awhile. Enjoy!

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