keysha & Raquel 2

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Raquel and Donnie slowly walked inside the room. It was dark and quiet. Only thing you could hear was the heart monitor and other equipment operating in the room.

"Keysha?" Donnie said going up to her bed followed by Raquel.

Keysha turned slowly to face them.

"I'm so happy you made it, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't"

Raquel wiped the tears that were coming down her face.

Donnie looked at Keysha who looked better than she did yesterday, but not by much still with bruises on her face that covered one of her eyes and her jaw with a cut across her forehead and a busted lip.

"Did they find him?"

“No, that still can't find Gee baby. He disappeared.”

"What about Doug, was he able to talk to the police?"

“No, once I confronted him about what happened, I left. He never showed back up to the house. The cops been searching for both Gee baby and Doug. He's as much apart of this as Gee baby.”

“Yeah I know, when Gee baby was attacking me, he told me that Doug gave him the go to do what he wanted with me."

Keysha lett a few tears roll down her cheek.

“I feel so stupid, I let this man come back into life over and over and now look at me! It's my fault.”

“No it's not your fault, You didn't do anything wrong." Raquel said.

"Their going to catch them son of a bitches and I hope they get life in prison and see what it feels like to get violated." Donnie said in anger.

"Do you want some water?"

“Could you get me some please.”

Raquel nodded her head,

“I'll be right back.”

keysha & Raquel -A Detroit bad girl story 2Where stories live. Discover now