keysha & Raquel 2

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Chapter Three

keysha Williams

June 2011- one month later

Keysha woke up, breathing heavy, with sweat dripping down her face and neck. This was her third nightmare in two days, she started to believe she would never get any sleep.

"I might have to get some damn sleeping pills" Keysha said to herself.

She didn't know if the doctors would prescribe them to a rape victim out of fear that they may harm themselves or try to commit suicide, but she was going to try anyways. Keysha looked over at the alarm clock laying next to her seeing it was way past time for her to get to school. It was june, the senior had already took their finals and their grades were already in. Really there was no need for Keysha to be at school but she went anyways. Only thing left before graduation was prom and Keysha really had no interest in going. After hopping in the shower Keysha put her clothes on making her way to school. She figure Raquel was already at school, but she hadn't really seen her in school much since Quans death. Keysha walked out the house seeing her car in front. She figured Donnie had fixed it up and brought it to Raquel place. She walked back inside looking for her keys which were on the table. Keysha grabbed her things getting in her car making her way to school.

When she arrived, she rarely saw anybody there. Keysha looked around only spotting mostly Freshmen and Sophomores.

"What you doing up here?" Terrence said.

Keysha turned around seeing him standing by her car.

“Why you always up at the school? You graduated three years ago, I think it's time for you to let go.”

Terrence laughed at Keysha's remarks as did she.

“All the seniors are at belle isle beach, why you up at the school?”

"I don't know, i guess I didn't want to sit around the house, wanted to get out and not be in my head for once." Keysha replied.

“well you can come up to the beach with me.”

Keysha thought about it for second deciding to ride along with him.

"We can take your car"

“I see Donnie was able to get it to you.”

"You fixed my car?"

“Yeah I told you I would.”

Keysha smiled

“Thank you.”

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