keysha & Raquel 2

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Shante and Raquel made it back to Raquel empty home sitting on the floor in the front room. Raquel opened up her plastic bag full of money letting it drop to the floor. A huge smile went across her face.

"I know this is at least Two or three thousand." Shante said pointing at Raquel money.

“ Wow, I've never had this much money. I mean, My baby daddy kept me fed but I've never had this much in my hand.”

"see I told you, my boy Tim know were all the good parties at. He will hook you up with celebrities that come through too. All you have to do is show him you down. Show him you a money maker and don't disrespect him. He will hook you up."

“I see, well I'm almost sure now that I can get some furniture and a bed. Probably go to the thrift store or one of them off brand furniture stores a bitch is not picky. I still have to show these courts I can stay living on my own. Besides, My sister coming to stay with me soon and I need this place in top shape for her. I don't want her coming here to nothing after what she been through.”

Shante looked over at Raquel wanting to be nosey but she knew Raquel wasn't going to say anything to her about it.

“We'll Im just gone say don't switch up when a bitch get here.”

"What you mean don't switch up?" Raquel could sense Jealousy in Shante's voice already.

“ You know what I mean, don't be acting fake once yo "Sister" get here. You don't call me sister.”

Raquel rolled her eyes.

“Girl you doing to much, you sleeping here or you going to the crib?”

Raquel wasn't trying here it tonight, hinting out to Shante that she was ready for her to go.

"I'm a little tired, I'm gone just rest here. Once we get up we can go to my house and get my uniform then go to work."

“Also another thing.”

Raquel looked over at Shante,

“Keysha don't know that I do this and I'm not trying to tell her yet. So keep quiet.”

"Thought that was bestfriend"

Shante mocked her.

“ It is, but right now she don't need to be hearing all that. I will tell her when I'm ready.”

“ Alright.”

Shante laid down rolling over on her side going to sleep.


Two days later


"Okay this will be all for now"

keysha & Raquel -A Detroit bad girl story 2Where stories live. Discover now