keysha & Raquel 2

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Keysha got herself together, clearing her throat as she walked through the metal detectors at Thumbs correctional facility. She hadn't seen her brother in almost two months so it was due time for a visit. Once the intake procedure was over Keysha made her way to the visitors lounge. Keysha saw her brother and was overjoyed as usual. She walked up to him, quickly hugging him then having a seat.

"Ive missed you so much bro."

Keysha wanted to cry out.

“Ive missed you too sis, What's been going on with your life? I haven't heard from you in a couple months that's not like you.”

"Yeah I know bro, I just been going through lot. I had to pick myself back up again. It's complicated."

"Not to complicated for you to tell your brother. Is it you and mom? Yall still going through it?" Sean asked.

“When it comes to mom, I really don't know anymore. One minute I think we could be okay and then the next all hell breaks loose and were at each others throat again.”

“Sis, tell me whats going on with you. You got me worried now.”

"See that's the thing, I don't want to worry you, especially not in here."

Keysha shook her head.

“Keysha If something wrong, you need to tell me.”

Keysha thought about telling Sean, but she knew the consequences. Keysha shook her head.

“nothing I'm okay, I'm just jittery because it's the end of the school year. I'm nervous about college and knowing new people. You know becoming a real adult and the stress of not having mom in my corner.”

“You know mom would be in your corner if you let her in.”

"Every Time I let her in, she does or says something to fuck it up."

"Whatever y'all going through you will work it out. Your mother and daughter, there should be no stronger bond. Just continue what you doing and keep your head up" Sean advised.

“Thank you bro. Well prom is tomorrow night. I have to get ready. I love you soo much!”

"I love you too sis and make sure you take pictures and send me some. I'm proud of you Keysha."

keysha & Raquel -A Detroit bad girl story 2Where stories live. Discover now