keysha & Raquel 2

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“You gone stop that bullshit you doing, coming over motherfuckas house and acting ghetto and shit. look what you did to my damn car!”

" I don't give a fuck, You spending all your time with this bitch, you must be getting you some from her too.”

“No Raven, we not fucking. That's just my friend. I don't know why you can't get that through your thick ass skull.”

"I don't want you talking to her no more period" Raven demanded.

“Well I'm sorry Raven, that's not gonna happen. You have no reason to be worried, we not fucking but whatever.”

Raven rolled her eyes, she knew she was reaching with that demand.

“Like I said.”

Donnie shook his head focusing on his driving. He understood her insecurities because he cheated before but he was not about to let her insecurities come between his friendship with Keysha or anybody for that matter. Raven barely want him to hang with anybody. She constantly blowing his phone up the moment he step out of her house. Donnie was at his wit in and he had a feeling Raven was too.

once Donnie dropped Raven off at home, he decided to go to his mom house. The last thing he wanted was to sit in her house and listen to her nag all day. Donnie walked in seeing Bonnie on the couch watching TV.

"Whats up big head?" Bonnie said throwing some popcorn at him.

“Whats up sis, were moma at?”

"She went out with dad, they'll be back later."

Donnie sat next to Bonnie on the couch. “

What's wrong with you bro?”

“Man Raven crazy ass came over Raquel house acting an ass, bitch busted out my damn side window. Thinking I was over there fucking Keysha.”

"Thats your girl" Bonnie said chuckling. How is Keysha?”

"She alright, we talked about Sean. She don't want him to know nothing. I dont think thats a good Idea. He deserve to know what's going on with his sister.”

"Okay then tell him"

“Then I'll be betraying Keysha.”

"Okay well try and convince Keysha to tell him or tell Sean not to let her know that you told him".

“I'll figure something out.”

“Raven and Keysha still don't like each other huh?”

"No and I don't think they ever will."

“Well that's what happened when you have a girlfriend and a female best friend.”

“I mean it's not like we fucking.”

"But you have though"

“Yeah when we were thirteen and fourteen. I'm eighteen going on nineteen now, that was years ago.”

“You will never understand a female.”

Bonnie shook her head. She is a crazy bitch though. Bonnie and Donnie chuckled continuing to watch Tv.

keysha & Raquel -A Detroit bad girl story 2Where stories live. Discover now