Chapter 1: Beginnings

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I looked out of my window, looking down at the other kids playing. I sighed heavily, for I wished that I could be out there right now. I'm 17, but I feel like I have been a monster for more than that.

I stayed in my room basically all the time. I never came out when people came to visit, and never came down when it was time to eat. To me, I was hideous...a horrible monster with no purpose on earth. But other people thought I was a pretty girl with a shy personality. They were wrong...I wasn't shy...I was staying away from the people that could get hurt. At times when I was angry, the horrible monster that lived inside of me would escape and hurt other people, including myself. It wasnt as bad when I was scared or sad though, the monster would only come through a little, but only when I got really scared or really sad, the same would happen when I would get angry. I didn't have any friends because of this particular reason...for I was afraid that I would hurt the ones I held so dear.

Today was a meet day, where couples and families would come to adopt other kids. I never took part in these because, well, you know the reason. I only watch from my bedroom window.


There were people everywhere. Children running around, adults talking, the weather was perfect for this kind of thing. A couple had just arrived and were standing at the gate of the orphanage, watching all of the children. The owner of the orphanage came up to them,

"Hello! I'm Angela McDowry!" She said kindly.

"Hi, Angela! I'm Chrissy, and this is my husband Jack."

"Well, what can I help you with today?" Asked Angela. Chrissy and Jack explained that they were there to adopt a girl.

Angela showed them to the yard and called to all of the girls who were outside. They all came running, and lined up in front of Angela.

"Okay, girls! We have two very nice people here today, Mrs. Chrissy and Mr. Jack, and they'd like to adopt a girl.

I'd like for each of you to introduce yourselves, tell them what you like and dislike, what your hobbies are, and anything else that you would like to add in, m'kay?"

"Yes Miss Angela!" the girls said kindly in unison. And they all took turns introducing themselves.


I watched as Angela and a couple walked out into the middle of the yard. Angela had called out something, but it was muffled and I couldn't hear it.

I quickly, but quietly, opened my window to listen to the conversation.

All the girls of the orphanage lined up in front of Angela and the couple. I watched silently as every girl, one after the other, stepped forward and introduced herself.

'I wish I could be out there right now, waiting to be adopted...' I thought to myself.

"Wait, what am I thinking?!" I said much louder than I wanted to, and everyone outside looked up at my window.

'Great...just great...' I thought.


"Wait, what am I thinking?!"

Angela, Chrissy, Jack, and all the girls looked towards the building and looked up at Adeca's window.

"Umm, I thought we were going to meet all the girls..." Chrissy asked with confusion in her voice.

"Well, that's Adeca. She's been here ever since she was a baby. She has some issues, but I wouldn't worry too much about it."

"May we see her?" Jack asked.

"Well, another thing is that she isn't social at all. Heck, she doesn't even socialize with the kids her age here!"

"Do you know what's wrong? Maybe something's bothering her?" Chrissy was practically begging to see Adeca.

"No. She doesn't talk to anyone here, not even the staff, or me! She doesn't come out for food, or when people visit. I always take her food to her, she doesn't starve."

"What did you mean by 'she has some issues'?"

"Well, it seems like almost every night she does this, but when I make sure that all of the kids are in bed, I always go by Adeca's room to see if she's okay, but I always hear her talking to someone. No one goes in her room, and she doesn't let anybody in, and that's what makes it confusing. She always sounds scared when she's talking at night, like she's about to cry. But then again, maybe she's just thinking out loud, or saying things to make herself feel better..."

"Are you sure she's okay? Have you ever tried to open her door? What if she's sick?" Chrissy was really worried about this mysterious girl now. She needed to see her.

"Yes, we've tried multiple times to open her door, but its always locked. I guess we could try to go and see her, but I'm warning you, she probably won't open the door."

Chrissy and Jack nodded in agreement and followed Angela to the door of the building.


I could hear footsteps coming from the hallway.

'Oh, no...they heard me and now they want to see me...' I panicked and started feeling very weak. My head started spinning and my body felt heavy.

"No...not now..." I whispered to myself. Now was not the time for this to be happening.

I tried to take deep breathes, but it was no use. I collapsed to the floor with a loud thud. I clenched the rug on her floor and tried to calm down.

My heart was beating rapidly, and my head felt like a million hammers were being thrown down upon it. I felt a warm liquid dripping down on my hands.

I put my hand to my nose and pulled it away. My hand was covered in blood. I freaked out even more. I couldn't be seen like this. I shut my eyes tightly, wishing and hoping that this would all stop. I inhaled and exhaled slowly and steadily to were my heartbeat slowed down enough so that I could think. My nose had finally stopped bleeding, and my head stopped hurting some.

'Wow...that actually worked...' I slightly smiled. I was happy that it worked and decided to try that every time I got this way...only I hoped I wouldn't be a bloody mess the next time. I quickly ran to my bathroom to wash my hands and face. As I walked out, I heard a knock at my bedroom door.

"Adeca? It's Miss Angela! I have a couple of people who would like to meet you!"

I started to breathe heavily again.

"No no no! Not again!" I loudly whispered. I took big, deep breathes and soon calmed down. I was happy that it worked for a second time. I tried to gather up the courage to speak, but before I could, Angela said something else.

"It's okay sweetie, we understand. We won't bother you anymore." she said kindly.

"No, wait!" I yelled without thinking. I was scared. What did I just do?

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