Chapter 24: Away

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Roxas and I were sent out on a mission in Hollow Bastion. There, we fought a bunch of heartless, as usual...

"You know, Adeca?" Roxas said, "You're a really good fighter!"

"Aww, thanks Roxas! You are too!"


Then all of the sudden, the ground started shaking. Roxas and I exchanged looks, before a giant heartless appeared.

"What the heck!?" I yelled.

We summoned our weapons, and ran at full speed towards the heartless. We hit it multiple times before it got angry. It lifted it's arm up and threw it on the ground, causing the ground to shake violently. Then the ground started to crack...right where I was standing. It caused the ground to open up, with me falling in through it in the proccess, until Roxas grabbed my hand.

"Adeca! Don't let go!!"

I was so scared in this moment. I was scared of heights, I was scared of falling, and most of all, I was scared of dying.

"Please!! Don't drop me!!" I cried.

"I won't!!" Roxas said, pulling me up to the ground. He finally got me to the surface, but I started feeling really dizzy. I sat down on the ground and held my head.

"Are you okay?" Roxas asked. I shook my head. "Can you walk?"

I stood up, thinking that I could, but I was wrong. As soon as I did, I blacked out and fell to the ground.


I woke up on the ground in a dark ally.

"Adeca?! Oh god, Adeca, you're okay!!" I heard a Roxas yell as he hugged me tightly. All of the sudden, something snapped inside of me.

"Get off of me!" I said angrily. "Stupid nobodies..." I mumbled.

"W-what??" Roxas said, tears in his eyes.

I sat up and hissed as I felt a horrible pain in my side.

"Don't just stand there! Be useful and go find some help!!" I yelled at him.

"I...o-okay..." he said as he ran off, crying.

I then snapped back, and then I realized what had happened.

Oh no....

The same thing that happened with Riku...

My heart is slowly dying, giving the darkness a way to get in...

"Roxas!!!" I called to him. He came running back with three teenagers.

"S-sorry I took s-so long...b-but I found s-some help...."

"Roxas, I-"

"Oh my god! You're bleeding!!" One of the teenagers, a girl, said.

Wait, what??

I'm bleeding????

Sure enough, I looked down at my side to seea ton of blood running down my legs and onto the ground.

"Oh my god!!" I yelled, the pain just now starting to hit me. I sqeezed my waist tight, trying to get rid of the pain.

"A-Adeca?!" Roxas yelled and ran over to me.

"We need to get her to hospital!!" The girl orded the other two teenagers. They nodded as they ran out of the ally to go get something. The two teenagers, who were boys, brought back a strip of fabric, bandages, and one of them handed the girl a phone. She dialed in something and started to talk.

"You're bleeding really badly!" One of the boys came up to me and tightly tied the strip of cloth around my waist. I scream in pain when he did so, but Roxas grabbed my hand so I could squeeze his.

"R-Roxas, I don't want to die!!" I cried. I saw tears run down his face. The boy wrapped a bandage around my wound. My eyelids started to feel heavy, and I was feeling light headed. I started to fall back, but Roxas caught me and gently set my head on the ground.

"It's going to be okay Adeca..." he said as more tears ran down his face.

"Please don't let me die!"

"I won't! I swear I won't!!" he cried, squeezing my hand.



"Please, make the pain go away..."

"I...I don't know what to d-"

I couldn't take the pain anymore, and I wasn't thinking correctly with most of my blood gone. I grabbed Roxas' jacket collar and pulled him down. Our lips connected. He hesitated and just sat there. I was running out of breath quickly and pulled away. I dropped to the ground and passed out.


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