New life, new love, new me

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I never thought true love was plausible; how could you give yourself over to one person, spend the rest of your life with one person. Until I met the tall, tawny and muscular boy who stole my heart on first glance and has yet to return it.     I, Clary Fray, fell utterly and irrevocable in love with the least likely of guys.

Moving to a new school was never easy, no matter how often you do it. In the last 3 years I have been to 9 different schools in 9 different cities. My mom, Jocelyn, was a serial romantic and every time she'd find a new man it would be in a different city and sometimes different state and we would move there, she said it would make a better chance of it working out. each time the relationship lasted a few months, her record was 5 months, and then the relationship would dissipate.

My mom was married to my father, Valentine, for 5 years until he died in a car accident when i was 4, for many years after that my mom didn't leave the house, she didn't work and just didn't leave the couch in general. until one day when i was 14 she began dating online and thats when we began moving. At the age of 17, we were settling in to my mom's most recent victim's home in Alicante. Luke is a really nice guy and i like him but i have learned not to get attached it will only hurt more when we leave.

Luke's house is really nice too, he was single and has no kids and yet he has a massive 6 bedroom house with 7 bathrooms. unlike a lot of the houses i have lived in the last few years, i had my own room with a double bed, an on suite and walk in closet. I'm going to be living the lush life for how ever long this one lasts.

"so, Luke, what are your intentions with my mom?" i laughed as he settled my only bag on to my new bed.

"we can talk after we get your other things from the car." he smirked back, as he stepped out of the door.

"This is my only bag." i rushed after him, my bright red locks falling over my face as i abruptly stop so i don't run into Luke's back. he turns around with a look of confusion smeared across his face. "i pack light." i shrugged.

"All of your clothes and belongings fit in that bag?" he said gesturing toward the room with its door open down the hall. i nod.

He began down the stairs gesturing for me to follow, not turning to see if i had, we ended up in the massive kitchen where my mom was putting some food in the fridge, she is lactose intolerant so she stocks up the fridge where ever she goes. "Jocelyn, sweetheart," he begins as he places a kiss on her cheek and i almost cringe, although i've seen this scene multiple times, by multiple men it is still weird especially because i know Luke is actually a good man unlike some of the scumbags my mom has dated. "Clary's all moved in, so I'm sending her on a errand for me with my niece, is that ok?" he continued looking at me but i knew the question was directed toward her.

"that's fine, baby." she replied placing her arms around his waist before kissing him on the lips, it lasted way to long so i decided to but in: "daughter present," i coughed loudly. they separated and Luke headed towards me.

we walked through to the garage, that was bigger than the last apartment i had lived in, on its own, "So what errand am i running and who is your niece?" questioned as he stopped in front of one of the many cars spread across the garage. it was a beautiful silver car, one she wad seen in magazines. "my niece's name is Maya and she is taking you shopping for some school supplies and new clothes." he said looking at the car.

"I have no money and why do i need new clothes." I asked still staring at the car in awe. i heard a laugh come from looks direction, i must have been drooling over the car. "I'm paying for you, as a welcoming present and You have a whole walk in closet to fill and I'm sure that bag of clothes will not do." he looked at me one last time before a jingling noise began.

i looked over and saw that keys were dangling from his fingers a leather keyring had a yellow badge on it with a small black horse in the centre 'a Ferrari, that's what it is how could i have not noticed' i thought to myself. "The cars yours" my head shot up as the words rolled of his tongue as if it was nothing.

"oh my god are you serious?" i start and he nods his head.i take the keys and pull him into an embrace. he stiffens but soon relaxes into it. i pull back and look at him. "so is maya meeting me her or there?" i smile still in shock.

"she'll be here soon you can pull the car out front and wait for her there, just text your mom when you get to the mall." he smiled, his smooth voice showing concern which made it even more comforting.

A few minutes later a tall, slender girl sat in the passengers seat, "Hi I'm Clary Fray, i'm guessing you're maya, Luke's niece." i said trying my best not to make it awkward.

"Good guess, it's nice to meet you Clary." she smiled putting her hand out, i shook it and started the engine.

Maya navigated me to the mall and i took every chance i could to pick up the speed to test out my new car. Maya and i made our way around the mall making pleasant conversation and we found out we like a lot of the same stuff, the same bands, books and lots of other stuff.

by lunch we each had multiple bags in each hand weighing us down, we decided to stop for something to eat at a near by cafe. "So what school are they sending you to?" she asked as I bit into a Panini. i chew quickly trying to get my words out, and Maya laughs. "Alicante prep, where do you go?" her face lights up and I know the answer but I had to make sure I was right, "you go there too?" she nods and I silently thanked the angel that I'm going to know some one. we laugh and finish up our food before heading back to shopping. by the time we got back to the car we were carrying at least 15 bags each and my arms were aching so much. I took Maya back to Luke's and suggested she come in but she couldn't stay she had to go. I frowned and hugged her goodbye after helping her carry her bags to her car. I went inside and asked Luke to help carry my bags in from the car.

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