Steven's Birthday

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Happy birthday! Here's to another year of you making through this shit storm called life. You are so strong for making it this far. You are truly amazing and strong. You have such a big heart. You come off as a dick sometimes but I see through that bullshit. I always have. I'll never forget the times we had in summer school and how you made me laugh till I turned red. I'll never forget Kyler bringing a gun to school or making blueberry muffins. I'll never forget how happy you made me when I wanted to die. I'll never forget all of the countless hours I've spent on FaceTime with you. I won't forget when we were all roasting on Julio, and when we saved Julio's life. I'll never forget calling you bawling my eyes out over dumb shit. Or the time we all walked around in the summer and you said I had daddy braids because I am daddy. You are something special. You made me so happy and I miss the good times we had. I would tell you the cold hard truth and help you by using tough love and you appreciated the honesty. I'll never forget when I came to your house and we went from laughing our asses off to a deep talk to laughing again. Or when we hung out on New Years and you poured fireball in a monster can. I'll never forget all of the great memories spent with you. You are something remarkable and you are going to be somebody. You're gonna be something fucking great. I know you will be. Please prove me right. Please make it until you are old enough to realize that life has so many options and despite life being filled with horrid, there are so many things that are going to bring you joy. Like getting your first real job, or getting married to your true love, seeing your firstborn child and thinking that if you weren't here that child would forever be a fragment of ones imagination. Be alive to push yourself to overcome illness and pursue the things that you love. Prove all the people who didn't think you couldn't make it wrong. I miss you Steven. Yo are gonna find someone who realizes how fucking special you are. Ours gonna find someone who finds your deep insecurities and laws absolutely perfect. Please make other people feel the way you made me feel. That maybe not everyone in this world is filled with hate. Show people what you showed me. Love, sensitivity, compassion, and light. You don't know who's still in the dark. Happy birthday Steven. I love you.

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