August 1

16 1 0


In the corner sitting there,
A girl with messy hair.
Toward the corner, walking,
A guy with ears to spare.


"Mind if I..." he trailed off, asking.

I nodded 'no' right away, so he sat next to me on the table at the corner of the classroom.

"Are you... uh... okay?"

I looked at him with cold ice. I mean... eyes.

He looked at me too.

"Right," he said, breaking the stare, "Of course you're not okay."

He laughed slightly.

He's an extrovert. Why does his laughter sound so awkward?

"Do you mind if I ask... why?"

I stared into the abyss. I looked at him and panned back to the abyss.

Rinse and repeat.

"I don't know where to start," I blurted out my first sentence.

"Start at the beginning," he answered.

"I don't know where it is," I said, slightly laughing, slightly smiling. But not a genuine smile. Kinda like... oh you get me.

"Just... feel free to vent. I'm here," he said, "I'm here to listen."

I told him. The whole story. I told him how deep in pain I was in. I told him the fake friendships I have been into. I told him about all the people who have wronged me. I told him how I fought for justice, but never really got it. I told him how I danced all alone to the sound of the enemy's song. I told him how I fought on my own in a war that has already been won. I told him everything. Every. Single. Detail. But I didn't finish yet because the teacher came already and we had to go back to our proper seats. 

We sat next to each other, which was unlikely. But the fact that he walked up to me when I needed someone, initiated my expectations to unexpected turn of events.

"You can continue after class," he said. 

I nodded.

There was so much from 'everything' that it couldn't take up the smallest amount of time. It needed a week to be told and another week for the story to sink in to the person. Well... that really depends on the person, but a week is the minimum.

As the class was going on, I was half listening. I couldn't believe that he actually approached me. I can't believe he was there when no one else was. How did he know I needed someone? How did he know that I needed ears to be lent to me? How did he know I wanted him to sit next to me and just listen to me? Does he have something like telepathy or what? Can he read my mind? Can he read my heart? Can he read my soul?

I will never know, but I don't need to. I am contented with the way things are right now.

The class ended, but I needed to go home right away. We didn't say goodbye properly. We didn't talk anymore after class like he said.

But it was okay. Because all I really need is listening ears. Understanding ears. Comprehending ears. Just... ears.

He lent that, even when he was still with her.

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