June - Coffee

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I'm walking around campus with Erinome, Eliana, and Elio. The three E's, I just realized. I'm the only L, sadly. And no, they're not related with each other.

"Are you guys allowed to go out after classes?" Erinome asked as we were headed towards the amphitheater.

"I am, to a certain time," I answered. 

I've been independent since I transferred here for Senior High School, so I have no problem. I just have to be home by 7:30 because apparently, it's not safe to go out at night in the streets of this small town, like it was before.

"I'm not sure," replies Elio, in a not-so-straight way, if you know what I mean. I have hunch for people like him. I got it from my mom.

"And of course you are, Eliana, since you're a dormer, too!"

Eliana just nodded.

"Why not let's just go to the coffee shop nearby and just chat for awhile?" Erin suggested.

We all agreed until...

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" Eliana asks a girl, who's probably in grade 12.

"Don't you remember?" the girl asks with confusion.

Eliana paused for a moment and then as if a light bulb appeared above her head.

"Oh! It's today?" Eliana was in shock, then she slowly turned to us, "Shoot guys, I'm so sorry. I have to go. I guess we'll chat next time."

We just said "okay" in chorus and I proceeded with Erin and Elio.

We were nearing the exit from the campus nearest to the coffee shop when Elio's dad texted that he was picking him up.

"Darn, so it leaves the two of us," Erin said.

"Sorry guys, I'll try to hang out with you next time," he said with a smile and ran off.

"Well, guess it's just you and me."

I nodded and we went.

She ordered something for herself while I looked for a seat on the loft, the half second floor of the cafe.

While I waited for her, I was thinking about telling her what happened in my previous school. She came back with a blueberry cream drink of some sorts.

"Aren't you ordering?" 

I nodded my head no. I was broke.

"There was something you wanted to tell me, right?" she asked, sipping the cold drink.

"Yeah," I started, "but I'm not sure I'm ready to share it. I haven't gathered my thoughts properly. I still need to put the pieces together."

I paused to drink the water I brought with me.

"Besides, I don't think what I'm about to tell you has even sunken into me."

"I understand." she said and sipped again.

Damn I wish I had money.

"Well," she said as she put her half-full drink down. She must've been really thirsty. "I have a story to tell. But prepare for an emotional roller coaster ride."

"Oh honey, I've been there," I say mimicking a slight country accent, "More than a roller coaster ride even."

"I'm guessing you had it worse than me," she suspected, "but I respect that you don't wanna share it yet."

"Thank you."

As she started telling her story, I couldn't help but notice everything about her. Her accent, her eyes, her glasses and her hand gestures. I feel weird.

I cut her mid-sentence when a statement caught my attention.

"Wait wait wait..." I said, quite shocked, "you told her you love her?"

"Well," she also looked quite shocked as she didn't expect my reaction, "yeah. Haven't you heard about-"

"Well yeah but no but um-"

"Hey calm down," she said, sipping again. Damn. "You're not my type."

That assurance gave me a sigh of relief... but a bit of.. wait no. What?

Wait what?

"You look like you're gonna-"

"I'm fine, don't worry," I assured her. "I'm just not used to this kind of... you know."

"I know, I understand," she said, "do you want me to still continue? Or..."

"Please do," I answered, "I don't mind."

The operation: Get This Out of My Chest ended up to be operation: listen to Erinome's story so you know how to tell yours really quick.

And the day ended with me saying goodbye because it was almost 7:00PM. I told her I'd tell her next time.

I may not have been able to myself some snacks, but I got myself a take out: an idea on how to share my story and... weird feelings.


Author's note:

uPdAtE sOoN

*insert Spongebob meme here*

sorry guys if soon meant 3 months later lmao.

I hopeth you enjoyeth! And voteth! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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