Chapter 2

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"Spill it" I told them "Well, where do you want us to start?" Steve asked. "The very beginning" "SHIELD was taken over by an organization called HYDRA that started back in WWII..."



"And that's why we want, need, to stay here" Natasha concluded. "Alright..on one condition" "What?" They all asked "I get to get out of hiding and help you guys" I said. "Yes! I won't be the only female!" Nat said excitedly (which I didn't know she was capable of) "I'm fine with it, I seen you fight and know your good at it" Steve said "I agree you were the best in the New York Incident, and during the Mutant Rebellion" Sam said. "Thank you for watching the news" I said to Sam. He shrugged and said "Its what I do" He said "Magnificent" I said "Is there any politicians that could possibly be in association . "An with HYDRA?" I asked "There's a senator, and the strike and insight team in SHIELD and Pierce's quote on quote right hand man besides Fury" "Then we go after them, Strike and Insight we should leave alone for now, let's go with Pierce's right hand man to start with" I suggested. "Glad we're on the same page Liza, cause that's exactly what we need to do" Steve said. "Alright, lie low for a day or two, let them off your trail, and then, well you know the rest" I said. "Fine with me" Sam said. I nodded my head and asked if they wanted breakfast. "No we ate not to long ago, thank you though" Steve said. I smiled and told them to make themselves at home while I went upstairs and took a nap. After all, with what we have coming up, I needed all the rest I can get.

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