Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

---Liza POV---

***Flashback 2 Hours Earlier***

"Nick? No offense, but how are you alive?" I questioned. "None taken Farlow, and by sheer luck and something Doctor Banner decided to cook up for himself, but later found out it didn't work so well, but SHIELD thought we could find a use for it, so here I am, alive and well" He replied to my comment earlier. I nodded my head in understanding and felt Steve put his hand on my shoulder. "Impressive" "What are your damage extents?" At this part I kinda zoned out, but was later pulled back from my imagination by Maria snapping her fingers in my face. "Earth to Elizabeth, is anyone in there?" She asked in a smart tone of voice. "Nope She has vacated the premise and flew to Mars on a winged stallion of ice that's tried to eat a hippopotamus over easy" I said as my voice dripped with sarcasm. Nat covered her mouth, while Steve laughed and Fury smiled, and Maria looking annoyed with me. I smiled a toothy smile and laughed silently. Maria rolled her eyes and opened a case with three chips in it. She explained what we had to and we were released. The four left and I sat next to Fury. "What's with the whole Winter Soldier thing? I'm obviously not getting the big picture here" I told him "James Buchanan Barnes, was a WWII Sargent in the 107-"o cut him off by saying "Who later became part of the howling commando's after most of his unit didn't make it out, that's common knowledge, just like that he died by falling off of a train and his body never found, and that he was the only one of the commando's to 'die'." He glared and said "Yes that's true, but Mr. Barnes was Rogers best friend, more like brother, his body was found by HYDRA, they gave him a metal arm on his left side, brainwashed him, and made him one of the most effective assassins within the century" Fury stated. "Oh, thanks for not lying Fury" I said. He nodded, signaling I was dismissed. Steve, Nat, and Sam ran into me on the way out. "Get suited up Liza" Nat said. "Yeah, alright" I said and did just that.

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