Chapter 3

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I smiled and told them to make themselves at home while I went upstairs and took a nap. After all, with what we have coming up, I needed all the rest I can get.

Chapter 3

I woke up sweating again. I got up and went downstairs. I got a glass of water and some benadryl. I put the tablets in my mouth and washed them down with water. I sat at the counter and put my face in my hands. "How did I become this way?" I asked myself. I've done it all. I've saved millions of lives from aliens and mutants. Met and worked with the avengers. I had parents that weren't afraid of my abilities, and if anything loved me more because of it. I had a steady job with a steady income. I work for SHIELD (Actually Nick Fury, since SHIELD was taken over by HYDRA, but rumor is that he's dead so I'm unemployed). I had friends that cared (Three of the closest friends I ever had are dead though and one become a caveman that hates society) and went to a school that taught me to control my abilities. And yet I felt I was slowly going insane. "Liza?" I heard Nat ask me "Oh-uh hey Nat" I replied. "What's wrong?" she asked "Nothing, I'm fine" I replied. "No you're not Liz, I've known you for three years, you've become easy for me to read" " I- its just I feel I'm going to go insane... the dreams, the guilt, its eating me alive" I told her. Her face softened. "I know how you feel, it used to be that way with me" She confessed. "Really?" I asked. "Yep" She said . "Then you know how I want to throw myself off a skyscraper because of it" "It'll get better, you just got to find to get it off your chest" She said "Woah are you giving out life lessons? to me? I feel special" I told her. "As you should, not everybody gets them from me" She said. "I know most people don't" I said. She smiled at me and I said "Thanks Nat" "Your welcome" She said and hugged me. I hugged her back and we broke the hug "Try to get some sleep, it will do you a lot of good" She said "I will after I eat" I told her. She quietly laughed and told me goodnight. I told her goodnight and quickly fixed a cheese omelet and a couple sausage patties. I ate quickly  and then went quietly up the steps and tried going back to sleep. When I did I had the dream.
"Jean! Why? First you kill Scott, who might I mention was your boyfriend, then your parents, and after that, the Professor, who taught you control over you abilities? Why did you do that?" I screamed as I stood in front of her. "He wanted to control me" "Professor Xavier didn't want that and you know it" I told her "He did! You could see it in his eyes" "Who put that thought in your brain? Magneto? If he did, you should know he's lying! He wants to kill everyone!"  "He only wants to kill the humans" "His brain is a bag of cats! you can smell the crazy on him!" "He isn't crazy" "Your brains a bag if cats to! What happened to protecting the humans? We agreed we'd do it together! Me, you, Scott, and Storm!" "THEY AREN'T WORTH ME PROTECTING THEM! THEY JUST WANT TO KILL US OFF! DO YOU NOT SEE THE SIGNS? HEAR THEM?" "Of course I do, Jean" "Leave, before I decide to kill you to" "Whatever, I guess our old friendship meant something to you at least" I turned around and before I knew it, She started doing the same she did when she killed the Professor. Except on a much larger scale. Logan gave the signal. I picked a gun then started shooting the cure at the many mutants that were on Magneto's side. I heard Jean scream, so I turned around and I saw that Logan had stabbed her through a vital organ. "Its over" He said to me. I let a few tears slip, and Logan did the same. "Storm said you used to have a crush on me, is it true, cause you know Jean was the only girl for me" "No its not true, I'm not trying to say your unattractive, I just had a thing for Scott back in the day, and now that everything is said and done and I have time to mourn now, its just hitting me like a ton of bricks" "I can honestly say, I know how you feel" "I guess you can, can't you?"
**End Dream**

I was freaked out. The dream ended early. "Liza"  Nat yelled. I shot up and instantly felt the sweat. "Are you alright? You were screaming"She woke me up? That must be why I ended early. " I'm fine just a bad dream" "It wasn't just a bad dream was it?" "It was just a bad dream Nat" I was starting to get frustrated, and my bed was starting to get cold. "Alright if you wanna talk about it, I'm here" "Thanks Nat" I said "No problemo" She said. I smiled at her and she told me if she hears me scream again tonight I have to tell her what's wrong. I nodded my reply and she left my room so she could get some sleep. After a few minutes my walls were covered in ice, and my legs were pulled into my chest while I hugged them. The room temperature cooled some more and soon it was snowing and I was crying.

A/N Leave me some feedback and/or suggestions!!! Remember, comment/vote/Follow. Also Should I do a chapter that's in Bucky's POV? If I should it might not be chapter 4 but one of the few chapters after that.
Who can guess the line in this chapter that's a quote of a movie, and what movie said quote is from, the first to guess gets a chapter dedicated to them.

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