Other Fanfic - Knocked Up

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I'm sure most of you came from Knocked Up and then came here (thank you btw my loyal fans), but for future readers or readers who have not I do have another fanfiction called Knocked Up.

Any Joe Walker fans out there? Well he's the love interest in this one.


Chloe is the top student at school, the valedictorian. She is who everyone aspires to be. She's smart and her future seems to be perfect full of endless possibilities.
That is until one night when she decides to go shopping. That night her whole life is thrown upside down and she meets the one, the only, Joe Walker.
Pregnant at 16 she faces many challenges and one of the greatest being knocked up by someone she hardly knows.
Joe Walker has the perfect girlfriend who he loves. He's an internet star from his past musicals, A Very Potter Musical for example. He's got it made. But, not completely. He must make decisions that he never thought he'd have to make.
Two futures are jeopardized all, because of one stupid night. They both must make choices that will end in heartbreak. But, who is really to blame for all this?

Warning: For Mature Audiences Only



Chapter 1

Number 1

Life is a mess sometimes.

Sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to and sometimes you get an A+ on a paper and your friend gets a B+. And sometimes you get blamed for that B+ though you have nothing to do with it.

"This is all your fault!" Sasha growls. Chloe lets out a sigh.

"I'm sorry," and she really means it. AP Lit is a pain and writing a paper is a treacherous endeavor, one that Chloe just happens to excel at. "You know you can always redo it and bring up the grade, I'll even help you if you'd like." She attempts to ease Sasha's pain, but she takes none of Chloe's advice.

"It wouldn't matter," she rolls her eyes, "he obviously has favorites and I'm not one of them, you are." Chloe gives a light smile picturing that she is a teacher's favorite especially one of Mr. Guercio, but it quickly disappears.

"I'm not his favorite."

"Shut up, you totally are." And before Chloe can retort Sasha stomps away leaving her with a nasty feeling in her stomach.

Meanwhile in a small theater, miles away, a man speaks on the phone.

"I love you," he mumbles to his girlfriend who is currently 2,000 miles away from him.

"I love you most." Her voice just makes him miss her more and he craves her touch.

"Joe! We got to go on stage!" A fellow actor calls out. The man quickly hangs up on his girlfriend and begins getting into character. This is his big shot; he has a big role tonight. One that resembles his previous role as B@man in The Holy Musical B@man. However this is the first one where he feels completely number 1.

Chloe travels home on the bus from school anticipating what tonight holds for her. Chicago is only an hour drive from where she lives and after a long conversation she was able to convince her mother to give her permission to go shopping downtown for the fastly approaching school dance. Chloe texts Sasha to see if she's feeling better and if she would like to come with her. Though 16, Chloe is still skeptical of walking the Chicago streets alone. Her mother adamantly told her she could not go alone, but a white lie never hurt anyone. Sasha responds back quickly saying she might be feeling up to it. This puts Chloe's mind at ease, perhaps she won't have to lie to her mother.

Once home she greets her mother with a smile. "I'll leave in a few minutes if that's okay." Chloe feels like a grown up about to leave the house holding a debit card and keys to go to Chicago.

"Sure. You have someone coming with you, right?" Her mother questions her cautiously.

Without missing a beat Chloe says, "Of course. I'm picking up Sasha on the way."

"Good, and make sure your phone is charged." Her mother stands with a hand on her hip judging her daughter.

"Yes, yes." She keeps her head high not letting her overbearing mother tear down her good mood. Her phone buzzes and she doesn't bother to check it not wanting her mother to question her and possibly having to lie more.

"I just have a bad feeling..." Her mother trails off. Chloe lets out a condescending laugh.

"You always have a bad feeling." Her mother gives out an awkward laugh trying to ease the air. Chloe grabs a bottle of water and a granola bar for the road before snatching the keys.

"I still don't like this." Her mother pouts making Chloe quickly look for means of escape before her mother changes her mind.

"I'll be fine, promise. I'll have my phone and Sasha if anything happens I'll call you and 911. At the same time even!" She dashes to the door and throws it open.

"Don't forget to be weary of strange men!" Her mother adds before her only daughter leaves.

"Yes. I know. Run if someone attacks and kick. I got it. Bye love you!"

"Love you too sweetie!"

Sasha texts Chloe to let her know she will not be coming along, because she's going to try and redo her essay. Secretly this upsets Chloe; she worries that if perhaps Sasha is able to get an A she may be able to pass over her number 1 position in academics. She lets out a sigh deciding that tonight she won't worry about school or not having her own car, or what her future holds. Tonight is her night to be carefree and to forget about anything important, besides the dance of course and looking perfect.

And as Chloe gets on the highway destiny takes its course.

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