Other Fanfic - Gravity

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My guess is that you probably come from my other fanfic to here but just in case I do have another fanfiction called Gravity

It involves both Darren Criss and Joey Richter. With the Starkids still in college.



Brian Holden's little sister, Emily, has a dark past. After dealing with a jerk for a boyfriend she transferred to Michigan University hoping to forget about it all. But, he left a scar on her that won't fade. Brian introduced her to all the Starkids, but there's one Starkid that's especially caught her eye, Darren Criss. However Darren Criss isn't single, but rather dating Julia Albin. But, there's one Starkid who's got an eye on Emily, Joey.
The story about the battle for the heart of Emily Holden.
Who will win?
And who will be the one left heart broken?



The party was loud. So loud I couldn't think and I didn't want to think. I came here to have fun so that's what I intended to do. I grabbed the first drink I could find and chugged. Quickly my face contorted in disgust from the bitter taste. I wanted to spit it out then puke, but I swallowed it down and welcomed the burn.

"Emily!" I twisted around at the call of my name. I rolled my eyes at my brother.

"Brian." I nodded hello while quickly hiding the drink behind my back, he would rightfully disapprove.

"What are you doing at a party?" His words slurred together and I gave a small smirk as I recalled how crazy he gets when he's drunk.

"Oh you know, hanging with my friends," I gestured to the crowd and gave a sarcastic laugh.

"Where's Sammy?" Brian asked while giving me a nudge. I rolled my eyes once again.

"She's not here," I gritted my teeth, "And for the hundredth time, I am NOT setting you guys up together." He frowned, but quickly smiled once again.

"Who said I wanted to date your bestie? I can't be tied down. I'm the king!" He roared which made me crack a smile despite the deep ache inside my soul. He looked down at me with sad eyes and I thought that maybe, for just a moment, he could see how broken I had become. But, he couldn't.

"Have you been drinking?" He asked me and I pulled the drink from behind my back.

I took a sip before asking, "Have you?"

"Touché," he chuckled then snatched my drink away from me.

"Hey! That was mine!" He shook his head.

"Not anymore," then he proceeded to drink it all in one gulp.

"Holden!" I could recognize the voice from anywhere. Shit, I have to get out of here, I thought, but I was far too slow to escape. Darren attacked Brian in a hug not giving me a second glance, which I didn't blame him. I wasn't second glance worthy, me in a sweatshirt and jeans. I didn't belong in this party, but I was underage and I needed a drink so where else was I meant to go?

"Oh, hey Em," Darren's voice was deep and he hardly looked at me. I was just an afterthought, but I gave him a weak smile.

"Hey Darren." I was grateful for the dark room for it covered up my red cheeks.

"Did you bring Julia with you?" Brian's voice reminded me of my heartache.

"No, no," he shook his head and glanced at me.

Why would he look at me? And why did he have to look at me with that look in his eyes that just made me fall harder?

"She couldn't make it, stuck at home doing homework. B o r i n g." He turned his full attention to me as he spoke, "Unlike us cool kids, out here partying." I stared into his brown eyes that flickered with green before mashing back into milky brown, his gorgeous eyes that caused my heart to climb up my throat and make the world seem to stop for a moment just so I could admire them. His eyes that seemed to push me to the edge of a cliff forcing me to make the choice, to jump or not to jump? But, I couldn't decide as my heart increased at an alarming rate and my lips tingled in anticipation of what our lives had in store and all the beautiful memories we could share if I could just have one single taste and—

"Yeah, let's get wasted!" Brian cut through the moment Darren and I had shared, was it a moment? I wanted it to so badly be a moment, but as soon as Darren had turned his attention to me he turned back around and outcasted me.

"Dude, your little sister can't get wasted. You know, she's only twenty." Brian nodded in agreement with Darren's words and they stung way too much.

"I can do what I want," my voice was weak and the complete opposite of what a strong independent woman should sound like. The tears were growing. I didn't want to cry, but I needed to.

"Just go back to your dorm Em," Brian shrugged ignoring me.

"Yeah, I'll leave. But, because I want to," I whispered as I turned away knowing that they couldn't hear my words, but they were more for my benefit than theirs. I knew I was lying though. I left because I wasn't needed, or wanted. I left because as usual I was the little sister that was always holding the group down.

I was the ugly one.

I was the depressed one.

I was gravity.

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