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Victoria's POV:
After the shoot is over I pull Corbyn to the side to talk. "Everything okay?" He questions. "No. It's not. I feel bad for being with you when I still have feelings for Jack. Don't get me wrong. You're amazing. But I'm stuck on Jack. I shouldn't have led you on. I'm sorry." I sigh. "Hey. It's okay I understand. You guys have known each other for a long time and you guys fell in love. I'm just glad that you told me. I hope we can still be friends." He smiles forgivingly. "Thank you so much for understanding Bean. And of course, the closest friends. Especially since you bought me LVs." I hug him. "I'm still waiting for my Yeezys." He jokes.
    When we get back home I go into my room and call Jack. "Hello?" He answers. "Jack. I know we aren't supposed to talk but I told Corbyn. He understands and we're still friends thankfully." I tell him. "That's great." He replies. "So you and Daniel are gonna move in huh?" I ask. "Yea. Hopefully before VidCon so I can go with you." He laughs. "Yea. I can't wait." I reply. "Okay. I'm gonna get some sleep but I'll call you tomorrow." He finishes. "Okay. Bye." I hang up. I'm glad me and Jack are normal again. It makes me feel 10 times better. I still feel really bad. I dated Daniel but I wanted to be with Jack. Then me and Corbyn had a thing while I wanted to be with Jack. Like I need to stop getting into relationships with my friends. "Hey." Corbyn greets standing in my doorway. "Hi." I reply. "I just wanted to tell you me and the guys are going to dinner if you wanna come." He states. "Thanks but I think I just wanna chill." I laugh. "Okay." He nods waking out. Things definitely feel awkward. I hope we can brush it past us and stay friends.
* 1 new message from Jacky*
Jacky: hey. I'm still in la if you wanna grab dinner..
Me: maybe idk
Jacky: if you want I can just grab in n out and come to ur place.
Me: sounds amazing, but not a good idea considering I told the guys I didn't want to go to dinner w/ them soo
Jacky: oh, wanna come to my hotel? We can eat here
Me: alright. You convinced me. In n out sounds amazingggg :)
Jacky: okay I'll text you the address..
    I put on a sweatshirt that was sitting on my dresser, then slipped into some leggings and vans. I grabbed my keys and phone then ordered an Uber. When I arrived at Jack's hotel it was pouring. I put my hood on and walked into the lobby. "Hello, how may I help you." The man at the front desk asks. "Oh I'm just here to see my friend." I smile walking to the elevator. "Wait miss." He shouts. "I need to ask who you're seeing. For security reasons." He explains. "Jack Avery." I announce. "Oh alrighty. Room 106 on the second floor." He smiles getting into the elevator with me. How odd. Was Jack so famous that he needed security? Once we arrive to his room the guy leaves. I knock on the door and some girl opens it. "Oh do I have the wrong room? I'm looking for Jack." I announce. "No it's the right room." She grins. I look past her and see Jack. He doesn't look fazed at all. While I'm over here looking completely shocked. "Who are you." I ask. "I'm Jack's friend. Macy." She informs moving so I can come in. I honestly was mad but how could I be. I was doing this to Jack with Daniel and Corbyn. I didn't want him to be with other girls while I was with other guys. I'm so selfish. I was determined to be nice to her even if I didn't want them to be a thing. "Vic this is Macy." Jack introduces. "Yea we're like a thing." She smiles putting her arms around him. I felt so hurt. I didn't know how to act so I flashed a fake smile. "Nice sweatshirt." Jack scoffs a bit. I look down and see it's Corbyn's. Opps, I didn't even notice. I give another fake smile and I quickly text Corbyn.
Me- bean help. I came to Jack's hotel and he's with another girl. I don't know what to do. :/
Bean- where are you. I'll come get you.
Me- no. No. That's a bad idea. Just call me and act like there's an emergency and I'll leave.
Bean- okay.
"We're gonna get the food in a minute." Jack announces. I nod. "You're super pretty." She smiles. I couldn't tell if she was just saying that or if she meant it. "Thanks." I smile back. *ring ring* thank god. It's Corbyn. "Hello." I answer my phone. "Hey Vic can you come home there's an emergency." He laughs. "Oh yea. I'll be right there." I reply acting. Then I hang up. "Oh. Sorry I couldn't stay to eat. The guys need my help at the house." I announce. "Awh that's sucks. Well it was nice meeting you." She hugged me. I didn't want to seem rude so I hugged her back. She was so nice and it was killing me. "Can't you stay a little longer?" Jack asks. I shake my head and walk out the door. When I leave the hotel it's still pouring. I put on my hood and my stomach is growling. I'm starving. I notice a restaurant across the street and go to it. It's a Chinese food place. When I get inside I look around for an empty table. "Hey! Vicki!" A familiar voice calls.

Awh. Jack was with another girl. But she realized she was doing the same thing to Jack and felt bad.

Who was the familiar voice?

Thanks for reading ~Mia

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