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Victoria's POV:
      When I reach the top of the stairs Corbyn stops me. "So about last night." He starts. "Yea?" I ask. "Are we gonna keep that a secret?" He questions. "I'd like to." I answer. "Okay." He smiles. I walk into my room and Corbyn follows. "Bean. Why are you following me?" I laugh. "Because. I can't stop looking at you. I just want to be around you." He chuckles. "Awh." I say in a baby voice. "Hey I mean it." He pulls me into his chest. His hugs are warm and comforting. When I look up at him he smiles and kisses my forehead. Oh no, I can't be falling for Corbyn. It's too weird. Especially since I have feelings for Jack. "Woah. Am I interrupting something?" Mindy asks standing in the doorway. "Oh. No. Hi Mindy." I say pulling away from Corbyn. "Mindy." Corbyn smiles. "If you guys are a couple tell me now because my plan for you doesn't involve a boyfriend." She states. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well. Since you are single I have booked events for you and I only have you down as 1 person. It takes more time to add two people." She explains. "Well can you just always have it down as 2 people." I ask. She nods and writes herself a note to change it. "So are you a couple?" She asks. "Um no." I answer. Corbyn frowns then laughs as he walks out. "Okay. Well I need that video you made. Did you edit it to your liking?" She informed. "Yes. Here you go." I announce handing her the flash drive. "I'm only doing this in person because it's the first time but eventually you'll upload them on your own." She tells me. I nod. "I'll stop by later to explain more about VidCon." She smiled as she leaves. Wow. I'm gonna go to VidCon? I barely have 100,000 subs. How weird. I never thought I would have fans of my own. I laugh to myself as I think. I'm so dumb.
* 1 week later *
   It's been a week without seeing Jack. I have to admit. I miss him. The guys just announced that they want Daniel and Jack to be apart of their band so I was super stoked. I didn't get to tell them personally but the guys did. They were setting up a shoot for a music video. They recorded tracks in San Diego and sent them here so they could put the songs together. They sound amazing. Jack and Daniel sound amazing. VidCon is next week and I'm super pumped. I upload two more videos since last week and I'm at 1 million subscribers. I don't even know how though. It's amazing. The shoot is tomorrow and I'm going with Corbyn and the guys. It's kinda going against Jack and I's plan but it's okay. I'm sure we'll be fine. "Hey Vic!" Corbyn greeted walking into my room. "Yea?" I ask. "I know you and Jack are still working things out but I wanted to see if you would be willing to go on a date with me tonight." He states. "I mean. I don't know." I sigh. "Come on. It'll be fun." He insists. "Fine just one date okay." I give in. "Yay. You won't regret it." He smiles walking out of my room.
* 7 pm *
    It's time for my date with Corbyn. He said he was gonna take me somewhere special. I don't know where though. "Okay you have to keep your eyes closed the whole car ride." He says as we get in the car. "Wait why?" I question. "So you don't spoil the surprise." He explains. "How long is this car ride gonna be?" I ask. "About an hour." He informs. "An hour. Corbyn I can't keep my eyes closed that long. I'll fall asleep." I tell him. "Fine you can keep them open until we're getting close. Then you have to close them." He insists. "Okay okay." I smile. The car ride goes by fast. When we get there he helps me out of the car due to me having my eyes closed. "Okay open them." He shouts. When I open my eyes I look at a brightly lit up diner. "This is where we met." I gasp putting my hands over my mouth. "Yea it is." He smiles. "Awh Bean." I say hugging him. "I told you it was special." He smirks as we walk in. We sit in the same booth we sat in as last time. It's been almost a month since we've been here. How weird. "You know I realized we never ordered anything when we were here." I laugh. "True." He chuckles looking at the menu.
* Skip Date *
    When we get home I'm so exhausted. We have to wake up early tomorrow to go to their shoot. I waked upstairs and went straight into my room. Corbyn following. "Goodnight." He hugs me. "Goodnight." I reply as he walks to his room. I closed my door and change. Then I hop into bed.
* 9 am *
My alarm goes off waking me up instantly. I shut it off and get out of bed. I walk into my bathroom to shower and get dressed. After, I go back into my room to do my hair and makeup. I was playing one of their songs as I got ready. They sounded so good. I'm so proud of them. -Knock knock- "Come in." I call. "Hi Vicki." Corbyn greets as he walks in. "Hi." I reply. "Thanks for coming with us today." He grins. "Yea no problem. I'm super proud of you guys." I smile. "I'm gonna finish getting ready but we have to leave by ten okay." He announces. I nod and continue to get ready. By the time I'm done it's around 9:50. I grab my phone and backpack. Then head downstairs. "Everybody into the car. Come on people we have to get going!" Their manager calls. "Come on." Zach states as I follow him to the car. We get in and we're kinda smushed in the back seat. Jonah was in the front while me, Zach and Corbyn sat in the back. Once we arrive to the shoot they go into wardrobe and stuff. "Hey! Victoria? It's me Logan Paul." A guy greets. "Oh Logan. Yea. Jack's friend?" I hug him. "Yea. So you here to support your boy Jack?" He asks. "Yea. But uh we're not a couple." I chuckle a little. "Oh. Yea. I knew that. Well anyways. I'm gonna direct their music video." He announces. "That's so cool." I beam. "I'm subscribed." He blurts. "Huh?" I ask. "To your YouTube channel." He explains. "Oh. Yea. Thank you." I laugh. "One million in one week? Not bad." He adds. "Yea it's crazy right?" I reply. "Well I won't hold you up. You have a video to direct so we'll talk soon." I smile. He smiles back and walks away. They get the shoot started then around noon they call for lunch. "Hey." I smile as Corbyn walks over. "How do you think the shoots going?" He asks. "It's going great. You guys are doing great." I grin. "Thanks." He pulls me in for a hug. I smile up at him and before I can blink he plants a kiss on my lips. I should've pulled away but I didn't. There was something about his kisses. So I kissed back. "I'm gonna go eat lunch okay?" He announces as he walks to the crafts and services table. I nod. When Corbyn leaves Jack walks over. "Jack what are you-" he interrupts me, "I know we aren't supposed to talk but I think we should. Are you and Corbyn a thing now?" I'm in shock. I don't know what to say. "No. I mean. I don't know." I respond. "I can't lie to you Jack. After you left I may have gotten pretty drunk and blacked out then I woke up in Corbyn's bed and I slept with him. Opps." I quickly blurt. "What? You slept with him." He questions. "Yes. But I didn't mean to. I was set on just being friends with him. I don't know what's wrong with me. I still have feelings for you Jack. I'm gonna tell Corbyn today. I promise." I announce. "Okay. I still have feelings for you too. But what if something happens between you guys during the next week of our break?" He asks. "I don't know Jack. All I know is that I like you and Corbyn. But I love you." I sigh. "Let's just stick to our plan. Think about it more and we'll talk when me and Daniel move in next week." He suggests. "Okay." I smile as he leaves. I know I have feelings for Corbyn. But I also am still in love with Jack. I don't know what to do.

This chapter was hella long. I also know Logan didn't direct their first music video but it's a fanfic okay, get over it. Thanks for reading ~Mia

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