21. Phone Call

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I sat up with a jolt

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I sat up with a jolt. I could have sworn I heard Edward's voice calling my name, but when I looked around the room, there was only Alice and Jasper quietly sitting on the couch looking over the picture Alice had drawn earlier. I sighed as I stood up and walked to the restroom. My hair was a curly mess and I didn't have anything to fix it with. I did my best to put it in a bun. It was decent but not the best.

I went back to where Alice and Jasper where sitting. They both looked at me expectantly. "What?" I asked trying not to sound as annoyed as I was. I had grown tired of sitting in the same room waiting on a call that would never come.

"I had another vision," Alice informed me. I was now giving her the expectant look. She continued to say, "Do you recognize this place?" In her hand was another picture she'd drawn. It was my mother's house. I gasped as I took the drawing from her hand. "If that son of a bitch hurt's my mother..." I trailed off. What the hell could I do to him? I am human after all.

"Why are we still here?" I asked standing up quickly. They just sat there staring at me. It was obvious they didn't know how to deal with me being so aggressive. "Get your asses up and let's go," I said as I slipped on my shoes. Jasper stood up and walked over to me. If I hadn't been so fired up, I would have been intimidated by him. He was taller than Edward and he had a weird look in his eyes, though he always did. Jasper placed his hands on my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes. "Relax," he said. I couldn't fight it. No matter how much I wanted to be upset I just couldn't. "That's not fair," I said in a low tone.

"Edward will be here soon. You are going to leave with him. He will keep you hidden and safe," Alice informed me. I felt as if I should be annoyed by the fact that they were making all the choices for me, but Jasper had complete control over my emotions.

"What about my mom? He's looking for her," I said.

"Jasper and I will make sure that she is safe," she said.

"I'm not only worried about my parents. What about all of you? How could I possibly live with myself knowing that I'm the reason one of you got hurt," I ranted?

Alice and Jasper looked at each other. I understood what she was saying to him before he could do it. I felt my eyes grow heavy but I stood and walk into the other room.

"You can't just make people go to sleep. What the hell is wrong with you people?" I said. With Jasper being further away from me my anger fully returned. I had been sitting for about thirty minutes' when I heard the phone ring.

"Hello?" I heard Alice say as I walked back into the room. I leaned against the door frame. "She's right here," Alice said as she held the phone out to me.

"Hello?" I answered as I took the phone and walked back into the other room. I knew they would still be able to hear whatever I said but not seeing them made me feel better.

"Bella? Bella?" my mother's voice was frantic.

"Mom just relax. I'm fine," I said in a soothing voice. I waited for her to respond but she said nothing.

"Hello?" I asked again while looking at the phone to see if she had hung up. No, she was still there.

"Be very careful. What you do next could mean life or death for your gorgeous mother here," I heard a low raspy voice. Chills ran up my spine while heat filled my stomach. I don't think I've ever been so pissed off.

"Now, I don't have to hurt your mother, but if I must..." he trailed off.

"I'm just joking. Do as I say and she might live to see another day," he said. My eyes began to well up with tears of anger. How the hell did he manage to get her? Why didn't I go home to protect her while the others protected Charlie back in Forks? I balled my fist. My nails dug into my hands I was sure the skin would break.

"Repeat after me," he began. "No, mom stay where you are," he said.

"No, mom stay where you are," I said trying my best to act sincerely.

"Now say 'Mom, just listen to me'," he sneered.

"Mom just listens to me," I said. My voice cracked a little when I said to me. He sighed on the other end of the phone. "Wow you suck at acting," he teased.

"Now say, 'Mom trust me,'" he continued. I repeated after him and laughed.

"Well this has been much easier than I thought it would be," he said. The humor in voice-only fueled my anger more.

"Now listen to me. I need you to get away from your little band of avengers. Respond with yes or no," he retorted. I could hear the smile in his voice. I opened my mouth to speak but he interrupted.

"Actually, don't answer that. It's not like you really have a choice. Do as I say or your mother will die. And guess what Bella? Once she is dead, I'll still come after you," he said.

"I'll do it," I said.

"Great. Go to your mother's house. Find the number I left, then call it. I will give you further instructions from there," he said.

"Okay," I responded weakly.

"Let's end this now. I've gotten bored. Say 'I love you, mom. I'll see you soon,'" he laughed.

"I love you, mom. See you soon," I repeated. The line then went dead. I did my best to steady my breath before I walked back into the room with Alice and Jasper.

I couldn't believe this was happening to me. Why do terrible things happen to good people? Or should I say, weak people? After all of this is over with, if I am alive, I can't see Edward wanting to be with me. I proved to be a liability more than anything else. I couldn't see why he constantly wanted to be around me and protect me. He was right when he said there was no way we could work. I didn't see it then, but there was no denying it now. It broke my heart to admit to myself what Edward had believed all along. That made it easier to plan my escape from them. It wasn't about saving our love anymore because it would never work. There would always be obstacles in our way. Now escaping was about saving my mother's life. She didn't sign up for any of this. I did, so now I had to deal with it. My plan however was not to die. I mean my father is the chief of police, after all.

I noticed that Jasper wasn't there. Alice looked up from the television.

"Where's Jasper?" I asked as I sat next to her.

"He went to go check on things. He will be back soon," she said. I nodded in response.

"If I leave my mother a note, can you leave it at the house?" I asked beginning to put my plan in motion.

"Sure, I don't see why not," she said. I got up and went into the room I slept in. I sat on the edge of the bed with a pen and paper and began writing.

"Dear, Edward

I love you so very much. You should know that I had no other choice. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. You've changed my life in ways that I never imagined to be possible. Your very existence makes me believe in the impossible. I don't plan on giving up easy but probably won't survive this shit storm. I'm not in a position to ask you for favors but don't go after him. If I die, live on without me. Just know that that's what I would have wanted.

I love you. Forgive me,


I sealed the letter in an envelope. I hoped he would understand, but I knew he probably wouldn't. I shut my eyes and hoped for the best.

*** Hello people. BOOM DOUBLE UPDATE!! You know the usual. Give ya girl some feedback and all that good stuff. Vote, comment, and stay lit. <3- Tori ***

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