Prompt n-10

23 6 1

Dedicated to: ThePoetryClub


Standing in the middle of the ballroom,
In my gown, like a flower I bloom.

Faces, faces all around me
Carefree, I feel like a banshee.

No one knows the secret, my secret-
No one believes in it, nor can I spill it.

Centuries back, I feel lost
Feeling frost, would I last?

Trying to stop events-
Tensed, I come to my senses.

Came here in hope to find the murderer.
The slaughterer was also a sorcerer.

A cold blooded assassin! I act like a lady,
In shady places I hide, smirking like crazy.

He's out there killing those innocents
A killing instrument, no sentiments.

Moving swiftly, I observe him killing,
Traveling for that moment, I was willing.

Making myself history,
I would put him out of his misery.

That night, my soul was tainted
Blood red ,I was painted.

Lived to spread my tales,
Killing Jack TR, I left no trails

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