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109 7 4

Kim Jiyeon

I can't remember much as of how I got here and why I'm here in the first place. I just clearly remember waking up in this empty spacious room with nothing.

No memories.

Just nothing.

The only thing I knew for sure was my own name.

KIm Jiyeon.

I glance around the room, searching for clues as to what I was doing here, but there was nothing to look at except for the four blank white walls that stared back at me in a taunting way.

I pulled the blankets that covered my body off and shakily stood up.

I nearly fell over when I stood up. I had to hold onto the bed for support before being able to stand up on my own... Somewhat.

I reached up into the air, stretching my arms and legs, hoping to shake out the tension. As I stretched my arms and legs, I groaned in pain.

I knew my legs were probably going be stiff but I didn't realize how sore they were actually going to be.

It was like I haven't walked on them for months.

Once I finished stretching, I was able to walk my own two legs without stumbling or tripping over myself. Carefully, I  made my way towards the wall.

Just as I was about to reach the wall, I tripped over my foot and began falling forwards. I quickly caught myself on the wall and used it was a support to help myself stand up properly.

I adjusted myself until I was leaning comfortably against the wall. I took a look at the walls behind me and ran my hand across the smooth surface of the wall.

I continued to feel the wall, hoping to find some secret but once more, there was nothing there.

To be honest, I wasn't sure what to be expecting here anymore.

I slowly circled around the entire room, careful not to trip, as I ran my hand across the wall, searching for anything that could help me leave this place.

I was only met with more disappointment when I couldn't find anything.

It seems that I was going to be stuck here for a long time.

Disappointed, I climbed back onto the mattress that I was laying in earlier and threw the blankets aside, onto the floor. The blankets fell onto the ground with a silent thud.

I let out a groan of frustration and fell backwards, looking up at the ceiling above my head.

When I had first woken up, I paid no attention as to what was above my head but now that I was laying down and looking up, I noticed that there was a large open window above my head.

A bright light shone down, outside I could see a crystal blue sky filled with white clouds scattered everywhere. I smiled at the sight of the clouds.

They were so big and fluffy!

I lifted my hand and tried reaching for the clouds, wishing I could hold one of those fluffy clouds that were scattered in the bright blue sky above me.

I tried to grab one of the clouds, but of course, I knew I  was too far away and touching the clouds were near impossible.

I pulled my hand back and ran my hand through my hair.

I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh.

There was really nothing one could do here.

I opened my eyes again, continuing to stare out the window, and admiring the clouds moving across overhead.

As I watched the clouds peacefully float on by, I tried to come up with something else to do but my mind drew a blank.

I opened my mouth and a yawn escaped, which surprised me.

Even though I had just woken up a few minutes ago, I was already exhausted.

I let out another yawn and thought to myself, 'Maybe I should go back to sleep....'

I mean, there wasn't anything better to do here besides sleep.

I reached over the side and pulled the blankets I had thrown onto the floor back onto the bed. I wrapped the white blankets around myself and rested my head on the soft feathered pillows.

The moment my head hit the pillow, I instantly fell asleep, and I dreamed of touching the clouds.

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