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31 3 4

Park Jimin

The full moon is shining brightly tonight, brighter than it had ever been before. I sat a fair distance away from the edge of the platform while Jiyeon sat on a ledge that jutted off the side of the platform.

It was strange because from all the previous times we had visited this place, there was never a ledge there.

But all of a sudden, when we came to visit tonight, there was a ledge hanging off the side of the platform.

I tightly wrapped the soft yellow blanket over my shoulders as I watched Jiyeon swing her feet back and forth over the ledge.

"It's so pretty tonight..." Jyeon sighed, glancing up at the bright moon. I followed her gaze and smiled. Jiyeon turned around to see my response and I silently nodded in agreement.

Jiyeon smiled as she cautiously stood up on the narrow strip that made up the ledge. She reached forwards, standing on her toes and stretched out pretending to reach for the stars.

"Be careful," I warned, carefully watching her footing on the ledge. I was afraid she would slip or fall forwards into the dark abyss that lied beneath us.

"Of course Jimin, I promise I'll be careful. Don't worry," Jiyeon said in reassuring tone. She pulled her hand back and glanced down, checking to see if she had stable footing on the ledge.

I let out a sigh of relief and leaned back, shifting my attention from Jiyeon to the night sky.

The moon covered the majority of the sky and rest of the night sky that wasn't occupied by the moon was filled with small sparkling stars.

I carefully scanned the night sky, searching for anything that stood out to me, however, nothing seemed to catch my attention. Just as I was about to turn away, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bright light.

I hastily spun around and watched as a streak of white shot across the sky. Jiyeon must've seen it too, otherwise, she wouldn't be jumping from excitement.

"Did you see that? A shooting star! Let's make a wish Jimin!" Jiyeon called out. She closed her eyes and brought her hands together. She quietly made her wish and watched at the shooting star began fading away.

I smiled as closed my eyes as I made my wish.

I wish for Jiyeon and I to last forever... I wish that we'll always be together no matter what happens.

I opened my eyes and laughed before glancing over at Jiyeon. She stood at the edge of the ledge, smiling as she watched the night sky.

I decided to get up and make my way over to Jiyeon but the moment I took a step in her direction, the ground began to violently shake. I looked around with a panicked look.

What was going on?

Was it an earthquake?

I knelt down on the ground, trying my best not to fall over. Nervously, I scanned the area, searching for Jiyeon.

Jiyeon was waving her arms around as she tried to stay balance on the narrow strip of concrete that made up the ledge. Jiyeon attempted to get a good footing on the ledge but failed, resulting in her tripping over her own feet.

That was when I began seeing everything move in slow motion.

Jiyeon was falling backwards, her back looming over the abyss. I got up and ran to her, fighting to make it there before it was too late.

I dove forwards, reaching out for her and attempted to grab for Jiyeon's hand, hoping I could save her before she disappeared.

I leaned over the edge and smiled as I managed to grasp my hand around hers. But just as I thought I had her, her hand slowly slips out of my grasp and Jiyeon began falling into the darkness beneath us.


I watched in horror as she fell further and further until the darkness had swallowed her whole. Tears began to form as I shook my head. I pounded my fist on the ledge and cursed myself.

If only I had been faster...

If only I gotten a better hold on her...

I wouldn't have lost her...

The earthquake slowly ceased and soon, I was left kneeling on the ledge, staring into the dark abyss that had swallowed my light.

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