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Park Jimin

It was another quiet morning.

I awoke in the same white room that I had woken up in months ago.

Had it been months?

I don't know, it's been too long and I haven't been keeping track.

I sat upright and glanced to the the right of me.

Beside me was Jiyeon, who was sitting crossed-legged and staring up at the clear blue skies overhead. There wasn't a single cloud that filled the beautiful blue sky.

Jiyeon let out a quiet sigh and continued to look up at the sky with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Good morning," I whispered, pulling her in for a hug from behind. I leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek but I had gotten no response from her.

She usually would've slapped me in the face but this time, she just sat there and continued to stare into the bright blue sky.

"Jiyeon, are you going to say anything?" I asked, waving my hand in front of her face.

Jiyeon grabbed my hand and stopped me as she silently nodded her head. She still wasn't paying attention as to what I was doing.

I sighed and threw the blankets off of me. I leaned back and decided to stare into the crystal blue sky that Jiyeon seemed to be so captivated by.

"So what are we looking at?" I asked, leaning in closer to Jiyeon.

"Nothing in particular... I just thought the sky was really pretty today..." Jiyeon said with a smile. She softly giggled and pulled her gaze away from the large opening above our head.


Jiyeon turned to look at me and waited until I pulled my gaze away from the window and was looking down at her.

"Yes?" I asked, curious as to what she had to say to me.

"Do you think the sky is pretty?" Jiyeon asked. I smiled.

"Of course I think the sky is pretty..." I said, trailing at the end.

"But I think you're prettier," I added, causing Jiyeon to look at me. She sweetly smiled at me  as her face turned a light shade of red. I leaned in closer and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

This time, I got a slap in the face. I glanced back and saw that Jiyeon's face was as bright as a tomato.


Jiyeon held in a laughter as she reached out and grabbed the white sheets lying on the bed. Jiyeon jumped up and hastily threw the white sheets over my head.

Jiyeon began laughing hysterically as I struggled to fight against the white blankets that had consumed me.

After a few minutes, I had finally managed to untangle myself. Out of frustration, I threw the blanket towards Jiyeon.

"Finally, I got revenge," Jiyeon giggled as she dodged the sheets flying towards her. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

From out of nowhere, Bomi came walking up to the bed and jumped on. she landed gracefully on her four feet and made her way to the center of the bed. Bomi purred as she made herself comfortable before lying down in the middle of all the messy blankets.

I smiled and laid down to the left of Bomi while Jiyeon laid to the right of Bomi. I reached out and began stroking Bomi's soft fur. Jiyeon smiled and petted the top of Bomi's head, earning a satisfied from the cat.

Bomi let out a happy purr before she closed her eyes, falling into deep slumber.

I smiled and glanced up at Jiyeon.

She had flipped over and was now facing up at the window above our heads.

I did the same and smiled as we watched the beautiful blue sky together.

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