☆*:.。. 12 .。.:*☆

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I've been checking on the sleeping girl everyday, waiting for a sign that she'll wake up. Each day had been a disappointment.

I would try to talk to her, hoping that she'll wake up at the sound of my voice but nothing ever happened.

I opened the door to the room she rested in and quietly slipped in. I sat down by her side once more and began to run my fingers through her hair.

I was surprised when I saw the facial expression she was wearing.

It seemed like she was in pain... Her eyebrows were scrunched together as she quietly whispered something.

Curious, I leaned in closer to hear what she was saying.

"Ji.... Min..."

I quickly sat up at the sound of that name.

She couldn't mean him... Could she?

I slowly turned around and glanced at the boy with pale blonde hair resting peacefully on the opposite side of the room.

What was going on?

  ☆*:.。. o(☆)o .。.:*☆

Park Jimin

It was another tranquil day, nothing out of the ordinary.

The sky was still the same shade of gray it had always been, maybe slightly darker now that night time was coming . The curtains draped over the open window gently flew up and fell back down with each gust of wind.

I leaned back on the couch, cradling Bomi in my arms. I ran hand over her soft fur, causing Bomi to purred in enjoyment. I found myself blankly staring at the strange balance that sat on the coffee table.

I couldn't help but think about the strange things that had happened in the past few days.

First, it was the cactus... Something about it just seemed strange... I couldn't exactly name the thought I had, but I knew it was something.

Second was the yellow ball... It seemed like it had an important meaning. Every time I recalled the image of the ball dropping, I could help but think back to the yellow balloon that had reminded me of Jiyeon and the terrifying memory of watching Jiyeon fall.

Then the last thing was Bomi... When I had woken up in this room for the first time, I really thought everything about Jiyeon was a dream. When I had found Bomi, I instantly knew everything that I thought I had dreamt was real.

And that made me more determined to find Jiyeon once again.

She couldn't be gone yet.

Not yet.

I just know it.

Inspecting the room I was in, I asked myself what could possibly happen next? I was curious to find out.

Out of habit, I turned around and glanced out the window behind, sighing at the sight of the bright yet darkened sky. Not a single cloud could be seen in the sky, and it just made the sky seem more depressing than it seemed.

I turned back around, facing the direction of the coffee table and let out a loud yawn. Bomi laid her rested her head in my arms and instantly fell asleep in my arms.

"I want to wake up from this dream and be with Jiyeon again," I whispered. I carefully lifted Bomi up and gently laid Bomi on a large pillow besides me.

I stared at the bright yellow cactus growing on the rock and found myself thinking of Jiyeon again.

I could never seem to stop thinking about her.

I let out another sigh, and began reaching for my yellow blanket draped over the side of the couch. Just as I was had my hand over the blanket and was about to grab it, the room I sat in began shaking.

In a flash, Bomi had sprung off the couch and dashed out of the room, disappearing from my sight. I glanced around the room, confused as to what's going on.

The only thing I could think of was how it reminded me of my worst memory.

All of this...

It reminded me of the earthquake that caused me to lose Jiyeon to the mysterious darkness.

The walls were shaking, causing the frames that once hung on the wall, to fall the ground. As the frame fell onto the ground, it made a loud crashing sound. I could see glass shards scattering all over the ground.

The glass cup sitting on the coffee table, shook. The water in glass rocked back and forth, causing some of the water to spill over the side and fall onto the table.

I leaned forward, holding onto the edge of the couch as I glanced around the room, examining the things that were going on around me.

My breakfast, a bowl of cereal, fell forwards due to the shaking and fell off the table, spilling all the contents out on the floor.

And as I watched all of this unfold, I began to smile.

I knew that something was going to happen...

Whether it was something good or something bad...

I knew I had to see it.

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