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Park Jimin

It's been what, 10... 15 days since I woke up here in this spacious alone?

That vivid memory was scary... Horrifying.

Waking up alone with no memories of who you were or what you were doing there.

I don't know what I would do if Jiyeon wasn't there to comfort me that day.


I look up just in time to see a large white pillow fly towards my face. I quickly ducked down and laughed as the pillow flew over my head, landing softly on the floor behind me.

"I was so close!" Jiyeon cried out. She threw another pillow in my direction but I easily dodged it as well. The pillow landed softly on top of the other pillow.

"Stop moving so much Park Jimin!"

"Never!" I cried out, sticking my tongue out playfully. I reached for one of the pillows that Jiyeon had thrown and tossed it right back at her.

I had thrown the pillow too high so it just glided over Jiyeon's head. Jiyeon laughed and stuck her tongue back out at me. I rolled my eyes and made my way towards the bed Jiyeon sat by.

I grabbed the white sheets lying on the bed and held my breath in attempt to silence myself as I threw the sheets over Jiyeon's head. Jiyeon cried out in surprise and struggled to throw the sheets off, only to result in getting herself more tangled up in it.

I laughed as I climbed onto the bed and sat there, watching Jiyeon struggle to untangle herself and throw the blankets off.

"Jiminie!! You're so mean!" Jiyeon cried out. Jiyeon had finally got the blanket off of her and tossed it onto the floor. She made a pouty face at me before climbing onto the bed.

Jiyeon took a seat besides me and lightly rested her head on my shoulder. I glanced over at Jiyeon and smiled as I pulled my yellow blanket over our heads.

"Jimin, it's stuffy under here," Jiyeon complained. She lifted her head up and grabbed the blanket. In one swift motion, she pulled the blanket off the both of us.

I shivered at the slight chill that hung in the air.

I don't recall the room ever being this cold.

Curious as to why the room was cold, I looked up.

I was amazed at what I saw.

Instead of being in the same white room we had been trapped in for so long, we were now sitting on a solid concrete platform. Beyond the edge of the platform was a a dark blue sky filled with bright white lights.

I stood up and walked close to the edge, careful of my footing. I cautiously peered over the edge of the platform and glanced down.

Past this platform, there was nothing there. Just an endless abyss leading down to what seemed like your doom.

"Jimin, look!"

I turned around to see Jiyeon pointing at a small standing telescope that stood to the right of where were sitting when we had first arrived here.

I slowly backed away from the edge and approached the telescope Jiyeon had pointed out. I curiously circled around the telescope before I sat down behind it.

"Should I look through this?" I asked, glancing up at Jiyeon.

"Of course!" Jiyeon excitedly exclaimed.

I smiled and began adjusting the small telescope to my height. I tilted the telescope to an angle before closing one of my eyes and peering into the telescope.

I was excited by what I saw.

The dark night sky was filled with numerous stars, each one of them shining brightly. I adjusted the telescope and attempted to look at all the stars that filled the night sky.

"Is it pretty?" Jiyeon asked, sitting down besides me. She reached for my yellow blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"Yeah!" I cried out.

I shifted the telescope to a different angle, expecting to see more stars but this time, I was something I wasn't expecting at all.

Through the telescope, I could see a figure siting out on a ledge jutting out from a platform similar to the one we were on. The figure's head was tilted back and staring up into the full moon above him.

Curious, I kept watching the figure, waiting to see what happen next.

The figure leaned back and smiled as he continued to look up at the sky.

After a little while, the figure stood up and turned around so his back was facing the dark abyss. He seemed that he was going to head back to the platform but something happened and before I knew it, he was falling backwards into in dark abyss.

"He's falling!" I screamed, jumping up from where I sat.

Jiyeon stared at me, giving me a quizzical look.

"Look it the telescope! I saw someone fall!" I explained. I took a step back and let Jiyeon take a look through the telescope. She closed one eye and peered through the object.

A moment of silence passed before she turned her attention back to me.

"Jimin, what are you talking about?" Jiyeon asked with a confused look on her face.

"What do you mean? You didn't see someone fall off a ledge?" I asked, as Jiyeon shifted back over to the side, allowing me sit back down.

"Jimin, all I see are the stars," Jiyeon whispered.

"What...?" I mouthed as I quickly stared into the telescope again.

The ledge was gone and all I could see were the stars.

Jiyeon sighed before resting her head on my shoulder as I continued to stare through the telescope in confusion.

It made no sense.

It was just there.

But now it's not.

I spent the next few minutes looking for the ledge again but it was gone.

Sighing in defeat, I glanced over and found the Jiyeon had peacefully fallen asleep on my shoulder. I smiled as she began to softly snore.

I reached for my yellow blanket, careful to not wake Jiyeon and wrapped the blanket around the both of us.

"Good night," I whispered as I stared up into the night sky, trying to forget what I had seen today.

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