☆*:.。. 11 .。.:*☆

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I quietly entered the room with a tray of food.

Seeing the two of them lying still in bed, the only motion from them was their steady breathing... The image was bothersome... I didn't like seeing them like that.

I gently set the tray down on the bedside next to the sleeping girl's bed.

I glanced over at the resting boy and sighed.

They both had been resting for an awfully long time.

I wondered when they would wake up.

I was getting tired of waiting, my patience was quickly wearing thin, but I kept holding onto faith. I kept telling myself that they would wake up soon...

They had to...

Frustrated with myself and my inability to do anything to help them, I silently got up and left the room, completely forgetting about the tray I had left in there.

I could always prepare another tray of food for them.

  ☆*:.。. o(☆)o .。.:*☆

Park Jimin

I sat on the window sill with the windows wide open. A gentle breeze blew into the room, lifting the pale white curtain into the air before letting it fall gently back to it's original spot.

I stared into the same blank gray sky that I had been staring at for days. I let out a sad sigh as I closed my eyes.

I couldn't help but think about Jiyeon again.

I missed her smiles... Her laugh... Her hugs...

I missed her very much.

Just as I was about to fall deep into thought, a soft purring quickly distracted me.

I quickly scanning for the room, searching for whatever was making the purring noise. I sighed when I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary.

Where exactly was the purring coming from?

I climbed down from the window sill and landed on the couch. I stood up and dusted myself off before searching around the room for the source of the sound. After searching for a few minutes, I couldn't seem find anything out of the ordinary.

Where was the sound coming from?

I decided to get down on my knees and continue to searching from there. I made my way around the entire room, trying to find the source of the sound.

Whatever it was purred again and this time, I carefully followed after the sound. I followed the sound of purring behind the couch, where a bunch of dust and a calico cat lying on my yellow blanket rested.

I squinted at the cat. It looked really familiar but I just couldn't exactly put a name to my thought. I took a second look at the cat and realized who I was staring at.

"Bomi...?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. The cat gave a approving meow and stood up. i reached out for her but Bomi was too far in for me to reach. She noticed I could reach her so she made her way over to where I was and nuzzled her face against my hand.

As soon as Bomi gotten close enough, I picked up the calico cat and backed out from behind the couch.

I climbed back onto the window sill and held Bomi up in the air. She let out a happy purr before I set her down in my lap.

Bomi snuggled up against me, resting her small head on my chest. I brought my legs up and hugs them, creating a shelter around Bomi as she closed her eyes and slept.

"I miss Jiyeon..." I sighed. Bomi slowly looked up at me and quietly meowed as she rubbed her head against my arm, attempting to reassure me.

I glanced down and smiled at Bomi. I gently petted her head and continued to look out the window, waiting for whatever comes next.

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