☆*:.。. 10 .。.:*☆

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I let out another sigh as I gently stroked a finger against her cold cheek.

It pained me to see her still sleeping after such a long time.

"How long do you plan on sleeping?" I whispered, observing the tranquil look on her face as she rested.

"Please... Please let me know that you're still there..." I sniffled, hoping she would show any sign that she was still there and listening but nothing happened.

The tears had began to form in my eyes again, but this time I didn't bother to let wipe them away. Instead, I let them fall onto her peaceful face. I glanced down and realized the mess I've made.

I quickly pulled on my sleeves and began wiping away the tears that had fallen on her face.

I stood up and took one last look at her before heading towards the exit.

"I hope you wake up soon," I mumbled before closing the door behind me.

☆*:.。. o(☆)o .。.:*☆

Park Jimin

I wore a blank expression on my face stared out the window, hoping for something to magically happen, anything to be honest, but of course, nothing did.

It was always the same gray skies every day. I repeated the cycle of sleeping, waking up, eating a bare minimum, then spend the rest of the day, aimlessly staring out the window, waiting for something to happen.

It had been a few days had since I watched Jiyeon fall into the dark abyss, and at this point, I was starting to lose hope on ever finding Jiyeon again.

I've tried everything I could do.

I tried to find a way out of this room but there was no where to go. All the doors out of this place led to a long fall down to the unknown.

I've tried to go places with the yellow blanket but the only place I could travel to was the same platform with the ledge sticking out. The same place where Jiyeon had fallen...

After a while, I had given up on trying to leave through the magic blanket. It was pointless to travel there again.

After many failed attempts, I decided to try waiting patiently but nothing seemed to happen. I thought maybe I needed to wait some more and so I waited for days, hoping something might happen but every day was just another repeat of the previous day.

"Just let there be something new today..." I muttered as I resumed staring out the window with the same empty expression on my face.

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. I reached forwards and pulled my blanket closer to me. I buried my face in the blanket and let out a yell of frustration.

"Why am I living in the same dream everyday?! I want to wake up!" I cried out in frustration. I pulled my head out of the blankets and glanced out the window once more.

I hastily pulled my stare away from the bright window and as I turned towards the coffee table, out of the corner of my eyes, I could see a strange yellow ball resting on the window sill.

That was strange...

I was sure that wasn't there before.

Maybe something was going to happen today...?

I cautiously examined the yellow ball and sighed once I concluded it was just a plain yellow ball. As sighed, the slight force from my breath caused the ball to slightly shake.

At the sight of the bright yellow ball, I was reminded of the yellow balloon that Jiyeon had given to me a while ago. I remembered that day well.

That was the very day I had confessed my feelings for her and on that same day, she returned those feelings.

I stared at the ball, curious as to what I was suppose to do.

Why was this even here anyways?

"Maybe I should just push it off..." I mumbled.

With one finger, I gently poked the yellow ball. The ball began rolling forwards and kept rolling until it reached the edge of the window sill. I watched as the ball fell over the edge of the window sill, softly landing on the ground before rolling out of view.

I let out another sigh and thought about how Jiyeon had fallen into the abyss...

How I was too late to safe her...

And about how much I missed her.

"I promise I'll find you again," I mumbled before looking out the window again, except this time, with a small spark of hope this time.

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