☆*:.。. 13 .。.:*☆

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I sat in a wooden chair next to the bed the sleeping girl laid in. I leaned over and carefully watched her face before running my fingers through her hair, sighing in the process.

Earlier this morning, she had finally stopped mumbling his name in her sleep. Now, she was peacefully resting without much disturbance.

I shook my head as I glanced over to look at the other resting person across the room. I was so confused as to what happened yesterday. Why was she mumbling his name?

"What's going on? When will you wake up?" I whispered. I didn't realize it but tears were falling down my face, falling into my lap. I pulled my hand back, wiped my tears away and leaned back in the chair, causing it to creak.

"Please give me a sign... Any sign..." I mumbled, burying my head in my hands, letting the tears come.

Then suddenly, as if she was responding to my question, there was a slight shifting noise, causing me to look up. I watched the next event unfold, completely captivated by what I was seeing. The edge of her mouth curved upwards and formed a smile.

My jaw dropped and I stood up abruptly.

Something was going to happen soon...

I wasn't sure what, but I had to be ready.

So I stood by and waited by her side.

  ☆*:.。. o(☆)o .。.:*☆

Park Jimin

I sat on the very edge of the ledge, hanging my legs over the abyss. I began swinging my legs back an forth as I hummed a quiet tune.

I found myself shifting my focus from the dark and inviting darkness beneath me to the far endless horizon.

I just couldn't stay still at all.

This evening, the moon shone brightly overhead, illuminating the night sky above my head. The moon was another full moon that took up the majority of the night sky. The stars also shone brightly, their light fighting to outshine the moon but it was useless, the moon shone brighter.

"I wonder what will happen today..." I mumbled to myself as I gazed at the moon. I ended up having to squint due to the brightness of the moon.

"I wonder what will happen next..."

After the earthquake had came to a stop yesterday evening, I quickly took the dirty yellow blanket and wrapped it around myself. When I climbed from underneath the blanket, I sitting out on the edge of the platform, the ledge hanging over the abyss just a few feet away from me.

The reason I had decided to take myself out here was because I was hoping I would be safe from any future earthquakes.

I turned around and spotted the yellow blanket lying on the ground a fair distance away from me. Half of the blanket stayed on the platform while the other half hung over the edge of the platform.

A cold gust of air passed by, causing me to shiver. The blanket hanging over the side swung a little before going back to it's resting position. I blew hot air onto my hands rubbed them together, trying to warm myself as another gust of wind came in.

"Maybe I should just get my blanket so I can keep warm..."  I mumbled to myself. I slowly stood up, holding my arms out for balance. I was careful not to fall backwards into the hungry dark abyss.

But just as I stood up, the thin  strip of ground underneath me began quaking. I waved my arms around to catch my balance but that wasn't enough.

I lost my footing on the ledge and soon found myself hurtling backwards and into the dark abyss.

I fell deeper and deeper, and the longer I fell, the more I grew afraid.

I guess this was it.

This was the end...


I could hear the sound of her voice... It was much clearer compared to when I was about to prick myself on the cactus.

"Jimin... Please... You need to wake up."

Wake up...?

What did that mean?

Even if I knew what she was talking about, how was I exactly supposed to wake up?

"Please wake up Jimin..."

And that was the last thing I head before the darkness swallowed me whole.

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