I Just Have Nightmares

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"So what's in Denver?" Minho asked, leaning against the door frame to what we had established as the "girls" dorm. I sat up on the bed and glanced over at Raven and Ashoka, both of whom were passed out. I sighed and stood up before following Minho out into the hallway.

"Not much. There's a safe zone there." I told him with a shrug, leaning up against the metal walls of the hallway. "People who aren't immune, people who are. They probably figured they'd blend right in." Minho snorts.

"Right, a bunch of random kids show up and they think they'll blend in. Wouldn't somebody alert W.I.C.K.E.D about their escapees?" I lick my lips.

"I don't know. Would W.I.C.K.E.D even tell anyone they lost their prized possessions?" Minho and I say nothing. "Are the others passed out?" I ask him. Minho snorts.

"Thomas wouldn't leave Brenda's side. That boy needs to pick a girl and stick with her honestly." I smile a little. "Jorge passed out in the captains quarters after taking his stupid headache medicine and putting this Berg on some autopilot shit and Newt is just.." He stops.

"Just what?"

"Just staring at the buggin ceiling like it's gonna fall down and crush him, like he wants it to crush him." I look towards the ground, my shoulders slumping.

"I didn't know." I whisper. "I didn't know. They never told me."

"Yeah well, nothing we can do about it now." Minho grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. "Go to sleep. It's been a long day." With that air of finality, he walks back down the hallway noiselessly. I purse my lips and head back into the room. I slowly lay back down. I almost think that there's no way I could fall asleep but without meaning to, I close my eyes and pass out.


"They will die. Their brains will turn into toxic waste and then they will turn on you, on me, on everyone." The Creator said, staring down at me. I suddenly felt as small as a five year old, being scolded at Sunday school. She looked over me, glaring, constantly glaring. This wasn't a memory I was remembering, this was a nightmare. "You are not their friend and they know it. You will never be like them."

I shot out of the chair then, as she leaned in. I took off running to the open door and down the hallway as she started to laugh. The horrible sound echoed down the halls and seemed to fill the long corridor before me. I was breathing hard, running with all my might but the hallway seemed to stretch out before me endlessly. "You think they appreciate you! They think nothing of you! They always have!"

The hallway slowly changed, turning into the stone and ivy covered walls of the Maze. I screamed when I heard the clicking noises. The Grievers, they were after me. I attempted to climb the walls but the vines broke and withered in my hands and I had to keep going. I had to get to the end of the Maze.

But the Maze changed, turning into the long darkened tunnels of the Scorch. Tortured screams echoed around me and the other Gladers running just ahead of me. "Come on Mallory." I could hear Minho shouting. "Keep up!" He had run these hallways with me, the two of us hand in hand but now, the group was leaving me behind, the light from the torch slowly fading.

"Wait!" I screamed as I was plunged into darkness. But even within the darkness, I ran. I had to keep running. My heart felt like it was in my throat. There was a shift, a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe I would wake up. If I could just wake up from this nightmare.. As I emerged into a burned out city, I was tackled to the ground by two Cranks and I screamed.

"You did this to us!" One of them screamed. I recognized the voice. Raven, her face marred with scars and sores, her beautiful hair falling out in chunks, her eyes glazed over. She was Gone.

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