Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Tony sat and thought about the offer as he waited to see Brad Pitt. It was great to think that someone thought that he had done an admirable job. He looked up as the nurse called his name.

He opened the door and grinned at Brad as he walked in. The smile quickly faded as he saw the look on his doctor's face.

'This is not good news then.' Tony replied flippantly.

'Tony, please sit down. There are things we need to talk about.'

Tony sat down and took a deep breath. 'Ok, tell me what's wrong.'

Brad opened the folder on his desk and pulled out the x-rays, and the results of the other tests that had been taken.

'It's not good news.'

Tony nodded and waited for the other man to continue.


Gibbs knew that Tony was doing another errand for the director. He didn't completely believe it. His gut was telling him that there was something wrong, and it had to do with Tony.

He watched as Stan walked in with Ziva and McGee laughing and joking with them. Gibbs knew that his two other agents didn't realise it at the moment. If they spent any time with Stan or any other senior agent, they would soon realise how talented Tony was. Gibbs knew that he had made a lot of mistakes, and a lot of them about Tony. He had to deal with the deaths of his wife and child again but on top of that find out that he had feelings for his male senior field agent. Just like most people when he felt as if he were backed into a corner he came out snarling. Unfortunately, that fear of the unknown was all aimed at one man. Tony.

He frowned as Stan walked over and sat at Tony's desk as if it were his own.

'What are you doing?' Gibbs growled. He may have been an idiot and Tony may never forgive him, but Stan was not his SFA, and pretending he is stopped now.

'Sitting down.' Stan stuttered as much as he wanted and was in love with Gibbs, the man still terrified him.

'That's Tony's desk. Sit there, he nodded to the desk across the divider and behind Ziva.'

'Tony is not here. I do not understand why he cannot sit there.' Ziva looked at Gibbs.

'Stan helped out, but Tony is my senior field agent.' Gibbs took a deep breath and looked around. It was early, and no one else was in, that was when the elevator dinged and out walked Abby and Palmer. 'I wasn't 100% and let things get out of control. I told this to Tony's father, and I am going to say it to you. Tony is the best young agent I have ever worked with, barring none. I knew it as soon as I met him at Baltimore. He is the only person I found, recommended and after training insisted that he join my team. He jokes around but still manages to do more work than you. You complained when he stopped joking as he made you look like idiots. He can't win with you two can he? I should have told him this. I should have stopped the way you kept disrespecting him. He is not your co-worker, he is your superior. If I had a choice and could pick one person to work with, it would be him.'

'I don't see what is so remarkable about him.' Ziva sniffed. 'It doesn't matter; you do work with him, as do we, unfortunately.'

Tim sat there not knowing what to say. He saw Abby walk in, and the way she glared Tim had no intention of saying anything against Tony.

'I think I've, we've pushed him too far. Call it a gut feeling.' Gibbs mumbled.

Abby rushed over and hugged Gibbs tightly. 'I'm glad you finally said something.' She whispered in his ear.

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