Chapter 5

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'I think that sounds a fantastic idea.' Tony smiled at her. 'Thank you for keeping me here.'

'Tony, if you left we would be the ones to miss out. You have many years of experience here at NCIS. Then of course the different police departments you worked in. I wouldn't like to see any other organisation take advantage of that, apart from us.'

'Well, I hope I manage to live up to your expectations?' Tony grinned at her.

'You already have. You are signed off until we get the courses sorted out for you. Cynthia will call you and let you know. When you finish with the first one come back here and see me. We then can discuss if you are happy with it all.' Jenny stood up and shook Jenny's hand. 'Congratulations on your promotion Agent DiNozzo. Let's go and tell Gibbs and his team the good news.'

'That definitely sounds like a good idea.' Tony chuckled as they headed out of the office.


Gibbs could feel eyes on him, so he looked up. Coming down the stairs was Tony and Jenny, a present and an ex. He smiled as he caught Tony's eyes. As much as he wanted him still to be working here, it didn't matter. They would make time for each other. Tony was worth the effort.

'Agent Gibbs, I thought I would come down, and you and Tony's former team-mates could celebrate the fantastic news.'

Just as Jenny was going to explain the elevator doors opened and in walked Ducky, Abby and Palmer. It was obvious that Cynthia had been on the phone to them.

'Director.' Ducky nodded his head towards her, and then he smiled at Tony.

'I'm glad that you are all here, I am sure Tony is as well so you can share in his happy news.'

'What news is that director?' Abby asked, bouncing on her the balls of her feet.

'Tony has been given a promoted to an 'Intelligence Specialist'. He will be starting this position, which will be based here after he has completed his courses. Tony will also be teaching some of our more promising recruit's investigation techniques. They will be going through cold cases. It will also teach them the paperwork, so once they are assigned they can jump straight in with whatever team they end up working with.'

'Yay Tony.' Abby jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

'Are you sure?' Tim asked.

Jenny turned and glared at him. 'Agent McGee, you may have excellent skills when it comes to computers. If you look at the other classes at Fletc, Agent DiNozzo was far above you. He has more experience in investigating, in dealing with people, and of course, the paperwork. I don't where this attitude has come from, but I don't like it. You treat everyone you work with respect, even if you don't like them. I will talk to you soon Tony.' She looked at Gibbs and nodded.

McGee's head was down as he stared at his shoes. Ziva stood by him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

'Congratulations, I was right all those years ago.' Gibbs grinned at Tony. 'I told you I didn't waste good, and you have never, ever let me down.'

'We have to go. Come down and see me soon.' Abby hugged him once more.

'You deserved it Tony.' Palmer grins and then pats him on the shoulder.

'Congratulations my dear boy, I always knew that we would see marvellous things from you.' Ducky told him.

Tony blushed at the compliment, and he couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

'Why do you say that?' Ziva asked.

'Well, our dear Anthony here. He is the only person that Jethro found, recommended and insisted that he join his team.' Ducky explained.

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