Chapter 6

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Gibbs couldn't believe that Jenny was dead. What the hell had happened in LA? Where were Ziva and Stan? They were after all her protection detail. She had obviously needed it, and they had failed at their jobs. There were also a lot of things about this that didn't make sense from the little bits of snippets he was being sent. He couldn't wait until he talked to his team to find out what actually happened. Jenny had also been acting strangely for months now. Was that somehow connected to her death?

He looked over at Tony, and noticed that the younger man had a lost look on his face. That was when it hit him; he could smack himself for being so selfish. A lot had happened when he was in Mexico Jenny and Tony had become friends.

'How are you holding up?' Gibbs walked over and asked him.

'I don't know, I'm numb at the moment. It actually hasn't sunk in. How about you? I know that the two of you had a personal relationship back in the day.' Tony moved a little closer to Gibbs. All he wanted to do was to hold him, and to be held. That was something they couldn't do as they were at the yard. They were waiting to find out what had happened.

'I'm sorry that she's gone. I'm angry and pissed off because I don't know what happened. I am angry at Ziva and Stan as they were her protection detail.' Gibbs growled. 'I also wish the two of us were back at my place working on our relationship.'

Tony gave him a shy smile. 'Me too.' He still couldn't get over the fact that Leroy Jethro Gibbs wanted him Anthony DiNozzo Jr.

When Tony looked at him like that Gibbs wanted to drag him into a closet or office somewhere, and attack him. That smile always made him hot and horny. One of these days he was going to be able to do something about it.

Before Gibbs could drag Tony off the elevator dinged and opened. The two men managed to pull their eyes away from each other and looked over. There walking out of the elevator was Mike Franks.

'We need to talk probie.' Franks looked over at Tony, 'alone.'

Tony didn't like the sound of this. He turned his gaze to Gibbs. They were together now and he didn't want Gibbs to go 'lone wolf'. With Franks being here trouble had to be close behind.

Gibbs stared at is former SFA. The one thing he used to love, when Tony was on his team, was the fact that the two of them could read each other. As much as he didn't want his soon to be lover involved in whatever Mike had brought with him. He also realised that he wasn't alone. If there was a chance of Tony being in danger, then all bets were off. This was just going to be a conversation, hopefully. It would be good for someone else to know what was going on.

'DiNozzo's coming with us.' Gibbs walked into the elevator showing that there wasn't going to be an argument on this point. Tony was right on his heels.

'Fine, let's go back to your place.' Franks stared at the two men until they arrived at their destination. He went straight to the chair while Gibbs and DiNozzo sat on the couch. Their sides were touching each other, even though there was plenty of room to spread out a little. It was clear to him that something had changed in their relationship. 'Christ, you two are knocking boots.' He watched as Gibbs glared. He opened his mouth to talk, when his former probie interrupted him.

'If whatever comes out of your mouth is derogatory about our relationship, or about Tony we're going to have a problem.'

Franks held up his hands. 'Wasn't going to say anything.'

Gibbs watched him for a little longer, and when nothing else was said he knew they could move on. 'Is the reason you're here something to do with what happened in LA?'

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