The party

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Stacy's pov
I woke up with people yelling back and forth. It sounded like my brother and someone with a British accent.
I looked around and I was in my room? How'd I get here? Niall probably took me home.
I went to my bathroom an looked in the mirror. It wasn't a pretty sight. Trust me.
The yelling was still going on. I know mom told me not to do this but I had no choice. I pointed to my hair and it instantly straightened. I pointed to my closet then to my body and had new clothes on. I pointed to my make up box to my face andI had make up on. I pointed to my feet and again my shoes levitated and I slipped them on. Having telekinesis has it's perks. And if you don't know what that means. Telekinesis is when you can move things with your mind. Usually when I use it. Things go horribly wrong.
I ran down stairs and saw Louis or my dad, Harry, and Niall with a guitar??
There stood Jace screaming at our 'dad'.
"OI!! I was sleeping but you dumb fucks woke me up. Care to explain"I yelled. Everyone looked at me.
"Young lady watch your mouth"Louis warned. I just rolled my eyes.
"Just answer fucking question"I yelled. Louis looked taken back. Hey see how I don't call him dad. Yeah he doesn't deserve that title.
"Jonathan"I said.
"Oh I'm in court"he mumbled. Which made me crack a smile.
"They came to apologise with a song. I said no and they won't leave"he said.
"Which lead to us arguing with him"Harry said.
"It's not us you should apologise to. It's our mom who you should apologise to"I said.
"We don't know where she is. Which is why we came here and tried getting close to you so we can know where she is"Louis said. So he was just using us. To get to mom. I guess Louis found out what he said. And stayed quiet and stepped back ward.
"So I'm assuming when you found my mother. You would think she would get back with you and then you'd get rid of us"I said. I don't know why but I was holding back tears."cause you can't have mutant kids. Cause were not normal 6 year olds"I started getting closer to Louis with each word I would say."cause we don't look like cute little kids."I was already down the stairs and beside Jace"cause we aren't what you pictured us to be."Jace was trying to hold me back but it was no use I broke from his hold."cause we don't act like you want us too. Cause we talk back and know what's right. Cause we are a family of mutants. Well reality check Louis. We were better off without you and I am pretty damn sure my mom will never take you back let alone look at you. How do you expect her to forgive you? Huh?"I put my hand and cupped it around my ear. Louis stayed silent. "I'm listening. Oh wait you have no idea cause I'm right. Now you have 2 options either 1. I kick you out physically or 2 my brother Jace here will take your pick"everyone pointed to me. They probably think it will be not as painful. Boy were they wrong. I smirked evilly and Jace went to take cover behind the couch.
I pointed my finger to Niall and with my other hand opened the door. They all gave me surprised and scared looks except Jace. I started levitating Niall and threw him out the door and onto the grass but not too hard.
I pointed to Harry and did the same to him as I did to Niall. Lastly was Louis. I motioned my finger as if saying to come. He started levitating towards me. I stood on my toes and whispered in his ear.
"Be careful who you mess with"I slammed him against the wall and again against the roof before I threw him out the door and onto the concrete. I walked to the door and smirked.
"Louis make sure your mouth doesn't get you into bigger trouble. My mother is way more powerful than I am"they went wide eyed. And bolted to their car.
I know I was harsh but can you blame me. Plus my mom and brother say I have anger issues. I have no idea what they are talking about.

I was in my room just reading when my phone started vibrating. I didn't check the caller ID.
"Hello"I said.
"Wow you actually answered"said a voice I knew all too well my ex which is aka Kate's current boy friend.
"What do you want asshole"I said rather harshly.
"You"he said. I bursted out laughing to wear I was almost crying if laughter.
"Wait you were serious. Yeah good luck with that dude. I'm over you and I moved on"I said.
"I always knew you were a bitch"he said.
"And you have a vagina. Anything else you'd like to point out"
"Is that supposed to be funny"
"Is that supposed to be sarcastic"I replied.
"Bye I have better things to do"he said.
"Dude you called me first but later"I hung up and went back to reading. Not to be interrupted by clary bursting through my door.
"We going to PARTY!!!!"she said screaming the last part.
"We have school tomorrow idiot. We can't"I said.
"Oh you haven't heard. The school found a bomb in the boys locker room and suspended school for the next two weeks and the seniors graduate still but school is official out"she said dancing when she finished. See this. This is why i don't give clary any sugar or coffee. She's already hyper as it is.
"But who said I'm going"I said. She groaned.
"C'mon you have to anyways. Drew wanted me to ask you if you wanted to perform with his band tonight."
"Ugh fine but I play guitar and of course he's going to make me sing so that too"I said."how many people are going"
"Almost the whole school"she mumbled. I started choking on my own spit.
"What?!?"I yelled.
"Yeah but let's get you ready"she rushed me to the bathroom. Help me please.

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