Chapter 2 Getting To Know The Patients

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Chapter 2 Getting To Know The Patients

Our eyes didn't separate until I heard someone clear their throat. I looked to see it was Dr. John.

"Sorry... I was just taking in the room..." I said blushing slightly, Dr. John smiled.

"Its okay Amy, its a nice in here isn't?" I looked around the room, it was massive and not only that but it had everything you would ever want. I noded.

"It's amazing in here!" I exclaimed, Dr. John laughed.

"Yeah, we like to make sure that all our patients have everything they would ever want." I noded. This is a great hospital.

"So do you think you're ready to meet some of our patients?" I noded. Dr. John smiled.

"Okay. I'll leave you to get to know them. Some of the other nurses and volunteers are dotted around." I noded. Dr. John left, leaving me alone. I looked around the room again, admiring all the equipment and furniture they had.

There was 2 elderly women looking at me smiling, I decided I'd go over to them first.

"Hi, I'm Amy. I'm the new volunteer." I smiled.

"Hello dear, I'm Rosa and this is Brenda." Rosa pointed to Brenda, Rosa had short grey hair with bright popping blue eyes. Brenda had a colourful scaf wrapped around her head, her eyes were black. I smiled at them both.

"Its lovely to meet you both, do you like it here?" Brenda and Rosa smiled.

"Oh its great here. The nurses and the Doctors are just amazing. How are you liking it?" I noded.

"Its great. I never knew that they had this here..." I was looking around the room again when my eyes met his again. I smiled quickly at him and turned back to Rosa and Brenda.

After speaking to Rosa and Brenda for a while, I decided to go to speak to other people. I was looking around the room when my eyes found the guys eyes I met before. I smiled at him and started to walk to him.

"Hi, I'm Amy Wright the new volunteer." He smiled at me.

He had short bruntte hair with popping blue eyes. His cheeks bones and jawline were so definded. 

"Jace Stone." I smiled at him.

"Do you think I could sit with you?" I asked him.

He noded. "Yeah, I could do with the company." I smiled at him and sat next to him.

"So how comes you volunteered here?" Jace asked me, his eyes never leaving mine.

"My Grandad died four years ago of Pancreatic Cancer, and ever since I've wanted to help people with Cancer." Jace noded.

"Sorry about your Grandad... was you close with him?"

I noded. "Yeah. In someways he was my only friend." I said sadly, just thinking about him made my eyes water.

Jace noticed because he said "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you cry..." he looked at me with a worried expression. I wiped my eyes before saying.

"No, its okay. I just miss him..." Before I knew it he had his arms around me hugging me close to his body. Then it hit me. Pull yourself together Amy, He has more things to worry about then you. I pulled away slowly. "Thank you..."

After about hour an a half I had to go home. For all that time Jace and I was just getting to know each other. I found out that his been battling Leaumia for 7 years and he first got told he had it at 12 years old. I felt really bad for him. He also told me about his mum and dad, and that he was an only child.

I told him about myself and my family. I swear we could have spoken for longer but he had to go home and so did I.

I said goodbye to the patients that I had met and smiled at the others. I walked out of the hospital with Jace, I turned to him to say goodbye when he said "Could I get your phone number?"

I noded, "Yeah," I told him my number and he put it into his phone.

He smiled at me "I'll call you." I noded, blushing slightly.

"Okay... bye Jace." He smiled at me.

"Bye Amy. I'm glad I met you." When the words left his perfect mouth, my heart fluttered.

"I'm glad I met you too Jace."

He pulled me into a hug, he was so tall that my head was leaning against his chest.

"Bye Jace." he told me bye and I walked towards my car. I felt his eyes on my back, I turned around and I saw I was right. I smiled at him quickly and turned back around, continuing to my black mini copper.


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