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"Mum I don't think I can do this! It hurts!" I screamed as mum ran around trying to find the phone.

"I know baby. Keep breathing! In, Out, In, Out." As mum phoned the hospital I breathed in and out as she had said.





As another contraction came, I held my stomach and winced at the pain that was just getting worse and worse with every contraction.

"Right come on baby let's drive." Mum ran to me and slowly eased me up, "Come on baby girl." Mum quickly picked up the bags that I would need and we rushed to the car where the carseats that we luckily put in today where.


"Come on Amy you can do this one more push!" The midwife said encouraging me as she and mum held a leg.

"I-- I can't! I need Jace...'' I cried out.

"Just one more little push!" Mum and Sarah said encouraging me.

"Jace is here Darling... come on one more little push for baby number one!"

"I can see the head! Come on Amy. You can do this sweetheart!"

I pushed hard just wanting to see my babies. I distracted myself of the pain thinking of Jace, I pushed once more before hearing one of my babies cry for the first time. And instantly I felt a connection and it was worth all the pain.

"Its a boy! Congratulations Amy!" The midwife said, she put baby Blake on my chest and gave Mum a knife to cut the cord.

"My baby boy..." I whispered, "My beautiful baby boy..." I said before feeling the need to push again.

"Okay second baby is coming!" The midwife handed Blake to the nurse so that she could clean him and check everything was okay.

"Okay Amy one more baby! You can do this!" Mum encouraged taking my leg again.

"Push!" The midwife encouraged. "I see the head! Push Amy!"

I pushed again, I was so tired.

In breathed in and out again.





Before pushing again and hearing the cry of my second baby.

"Its a girl! Congratulations Amy on the two beautiful babies." The midwife placed Bliss-belle on my chest as Sarah this time cut the cord. The nurse took Bliss-belle for the check up just like they did with Blake.

My connection with my babies grew as they brought them both back to me, my smile grew as the midwife gave me Bliss-belle and Blake to Mum. Sarah stood next to Mum and cooed at him.

"Darling he looks so much like Jace." Mum showed me this beautiful face and I noticed that Blake look so much like Jace. I smiled as tears flooded my eyes, I stared down at my baby girl as Sarah kissed my cheek before looking at her granddaughter.

"She looks so much like you Amy. They're both going to be stunning when they're older." I smiled up at Sarah as she wiped my tears.


5 years later

"Mumma? Can I ask you something?" Bliss-belle said cuddling up to me as did Blake.

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