Chapter 22 Going Home

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Chapter 22 Going Home

"I'll go to Paris with you." I said beaming from ear to ear.

"Really?" Jace said particularly jumping up and down.

"Yes!" I said laughing, Jace got up from his seat and kissed me.

"Thank you Angel, I'm so glad you said yes." Jace said cupping my cheeks. "I love you so damn much." He kissed me again.


After dinner we went to Jaces house.

Jace told his parents that we was going to Paris. They was a little shocked but said that it was okay. They said and I quote, "But no funny business, if you catch my drift..." I could have died right there. It was so embarrassing.

Jace and I were watching a film when I got a message. I looked at my phone and saw my mums name.


Baby please come home. You've been gone for two days but its felt so much longer than that... I miss you. Home feels so empty without you. If you want Jace can stay over, I really don't mind. I just want to see you. Your father isn't here, if that's why your not coming home. Please come home. I miss you xxx

I read the message over and over. Was it time to go home? Could I face the drama?

"Who was it?" Jace asked. "Is everything okay?"

"It was my mum... she wants me to come home..." I showed the message to Jace, he pulled me onto his lap.

"The question is do you want to go home?" Jace asked, I shrugged do I?

"I don't know... I guess I probably should, otherwise I never will..." Jace kissed my forehead.

"Thats my girl. Should we go now?"

"I need to get my things." I got out of Jaces lap and grabbed my bags. I packed my clothes and my shopping.

"You never did show me what you bought with Jen..." Jace said slowly, I turned to look at him and he winked at me which caused my cheeks to heat up.

"I'll show you in Paris..." I said sticking my tongue out at him, Jace laughed.

"I can't wait for Paris..." Jace said quitely, I picked up a pillow from the floor and chucked it at him.

"Ow! That was mean..." Jace said faking hurt. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Are you staying tonight?" I asked Jace.

He shook his head, "I think it would be better for you just to stay, just to clear the air. But I'll stay tomorrow if you want?" I noded. "Are you ready to go?" Jace asked.

"Think so..." Jace took all of my stuff before I could protest he ran out of his room.

I followed him down stairs.

"Are you going home Amy?" Rachel asked me, she was cuddling next to Max. I noded.

"We're clearing the air..." I told Rachel. Where was Jace?

"Well you know you are welcome anytime darling."

"Thank you. Erm... where did Jace go?"

"To his car, he said for you to meet him outside." Max said.

I noded. "Thank you. I'll see you soon." After hugging Rachel and Max I went to Jaces car. He was sitting in his car waiting.

"Sorry, I was talking to your parents."

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