The Dream

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Azad POV

An ominous boom startled me out of my abysmal nightmare. My cheeks were wet and my body was bathed in a cold sweat. The sheets were twisted around my limbs, probably because I was thrashing in my sleep. My heart pounded against my chest. I trembled. The room was entirely dark. No light anywhere.

The dream i had was nothing new. It was that very dream i always had whenever i saw the photoframe.

My throat was dry. I decided to get out of my bed and walked towards the tea table in my bedroom. I took a sip of water and sat down there for a moment.

The dream i had, crashed down before me. Two kingdoms fighting. Blood and thirst for revenge was all over the place. Voices of soldiers were heard. And there was I, about 7 years old, holding onto my mum, only to see her being dragged away forcefully, by a guy.

Alia POV

My dream ended abruptly, as I was shaken back into reality. My eyes opened, my eyelashes faintly batting against my lids when I blinked.

'Who is the boy in my dream? How is he related to me? Why are there blood all over the palace? Why am i having this dream?' I trembled upon thinking about the dream. It was no odinary dream. It will always appear again; if not today, then tomorrow.

'I must sleep well' I mumbled. I closed my eyes praying that the dream would not appear again, before drifting off to sleep.

Azad POV

"Azad, the brides would be coming in soon. Get up and freshen up!" Khalajaan came in and woke me up.

"Khala! The dream came again. You know the dream i always say that appear? Its..its like a nightmare. I would always want to forget about it, but it comes every now and then and its..haunting me! I cant forget it Khalaa!" I whimpered; hugging onto the frame.

"Look Azad, its something that should be forgotten long long time ago. I would never want to talk about it again. You can ask me to tell any story, but never this. Every single one in this mansion would eventually want to forget about that unfateful day but it doesnt seem to subside. Its like a constant wave that appears at sea. Well, forget about that and start preparing for today" she reassured me and went away, putting back the frame in my cupboard she took away from me.


I showered and let the cold water rinse my hair. The dream came again whenever i closed my eyes. I had to forget it no matter what it took. And the only way to forget that was to fight in the field.

I got out and dressed myself in my armour.

"Its time for you to stop battling in the ground and fighting with the knights. You are the Prince, not the commander there. I do not want to ever see you in your armour again,understood?"

I got reminded of what abba warned. Nothing was important than letting this nightmare getting away from me. Not even abba's order.


I made my way to the training ground and walked towards Mumbad, my cousin.

"Hey! Arent you getting ready? They all should be here soon!"he chuckled, looking at me.

"I will do that later. Let's have one to one fight like we agreed" i sneered.

"But, your abba said that you arent allo-"

"I didnt say that, right? If you can't, let me know. Dont try to lecture me" i replied rolling my eyes. Mumbad in turn agreed and we started, battling.


Poetry time

Came across Maimunafatima07's poetry,

'My dreams feel so real,
my imaginations run so wild,
that i question my presence'

Thank you soo much Maimunafatima07 for this wonderful poem!!

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