The Journey

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Azad POV

The days passed and we were preparing to leave for Al-Qaima.

All the luggage were placed at the foyer and Nawfal ordered the knights to place them in the three carriages.

"Bhabi and ma and thaatha and thaathi would be in the first carriage. Abba and I would be in the second and the rest in the last one. Reason being if we are being attacked, we can quickly cover. Dont worry, your bhabhi knows how to fight too. It seems that Alia's mini self defense class is working and then two of the knights are following as well. You know the twins? They would accompany abba and ma" Nawfal told me.

We all waited for everyone at the foyer. Just then, a woman wearing a gold colored lahenga and gold scarf walked down the stairs. It was Alia. My heart skipped a beat and Nawfal nudged me.

"Alright everyone is here. Please get into your respective carriages"  Nawfal announced. I got into the carriage first, followed by Aqil, Aisha and lastly Alia. Aisha and Alia wore similar lahenga but differed in their colors.

"Alia, can you dont stretch your legs? They are too long. They are invading my space. Swap your seat please!" Aqil said swapping seats with me. I was now seated beside Alia and opposite Aqil. Aisha was opposite Alia and beside Aqil.

"Bhaiya, how long is the journey?" Aisha asked. "2 hours" i replied. She sighed and leaned against the window. The carriages left the mansion and our journey started.

Half an hour passed, and Aisha was sound asleep on Aqil's shoulders. Alia was also asleep but she laid her head against the seat. I then took my hand and shifted beside her, in order to lie her head on my shoulders. Afterall her bun under the hijab was blocking her head from resting on the cushion.

"Aqil, if i were to given a chance to ask you to marry Aisha, would you agree?" I asked. Aqil chuckled.

"If she feels safe with me and wants to spend her life with me, i would surely marry her. I wouldnt want another guy to break her heart. Of course, with the consent of her family members" he replied, making sure that Aisha didnt shift.

"I see. Tell me about your family. Alia has never discussed to me about them" i replied.

"What do we have to tell? We live in very different world bhaiya. We were easily attacked but it was once you helped us. My family works for the the Raja in Al-Maqmur. I am a training guard and my father is the commander. Alia, safeguards the Princess and at the same time trains the guards as well. My ma is not alive. She passed away due to illness, i was little so i didnt know anything. Alia was there, like a mother,a sister and a very good friend for me. No matter how many male friends i had, Alia was a combination of all. She would behave like a man in the field and like a woman in the kitchen. You should see her in her armour, she would look and behave totally different! Im very lucky to have her as my di. We will fight, but the next day, we would patch back. Sibilings are someone, you cant live without even if you want to. They create a great impact in you" Aqil said looking at Alia.

Alia shifted in her seat and brought her hands close to my arms. She cupped her palms around my biceps and went back to doze. I froze for a moment. She just leaned on me and cupped my biceps!

"Bhaiya, what do you eat? Your muscles look like a pillow for Alia!  The first time i saw you, i was amazed. I mean i also have muscles because im a knight but yours are huge!"he exclaimed.

"Hard work and determination. Train everyday and you will see improvement. I eat well but accurately and i eat grass. Just kidding, green vegetables" i laughed seeing his reaction.

We both talked for the entire journey and the females didnt wake up either. I got to know about Alia and her family well and even Aqil. After all, he is someone suitable for Aisha as well.


"Alia, wake up we are here" i shook her arms that were cupping my biceps. She opened her eyes and looked up, coming face to face with me.

"Sorry, i didnt mean to do that!"she cried. I just nodded and got off. Alia climbed down the carriage and stopped at her tracks.

"Assalamualaikum. Im Raja Imran Al-Qadri and welcome to Al-Qaima! Please come in" he invited. I went in but noticed that Alia wasnt behind me.

"Alia? You okay? Come in" i gestured.
She stared at the architecture of the mansion and stood still. Aisha came from behind and pushed her forward.


"Show them their room!" Raja Imran ordered. We walked along the hallway and the rest were walking behind me. Thaatha and thaathi and Maimunaji got their rooms first. Abba got his separate room and Nawfal and bhabhi got theirs too.

"This is the room for Alia and Aisha" the attender said and gestured. Aisha went in first but Alia didnt. I turned around and Alia came colliding on me. Our foreheads collided. "Sorry, i was looking elsewhere" she said rubbing her head and entered the room. She then came outside and collided with my forehead again.

"You would never look nice with horns!"she said.

Alia POV

I landed my foot on the ground and looked at the building. I was sure i had seen it somewhere, but i couldnt remember when.

"Alia? You okay? Come in" Azad distracted me. I followed him and entered the enormous mansion.

The hall was filled with glass vases and a huge staircase appealed to me. The hall had intricate walls and pillar and there were photoframes of Raja and Rani.

"Imran, alhumdulilah,after a few years we are meeting each other. Its our friendship that keeps us together!" Raja said hugging him.

"I will show your rooms first. You all must be tired after the journey. Show them their room!" Raja Imran ordered.

We followed the attender who showed us our rooms. I found myself looking around the whole mansion and the hallway we passed by. The moon's ray penetrated through the windows, brightening up the hallway.

Aisha and I settled down and unpacked our bags and stuffs. I just laid on the bed and drifted off to sleep.

'Alia im coming to catch you! 3,2,1! Alia im coming!'

I woke up with beads of perspiration on my face. Who was that? Why am i running? What am i doing in this hallway?

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