The Confirmation

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Azad's POV

I simply had the best dream ever. No nightmares, no dreams about the war. I didnt see Alia anywhere in the place the next day. Afterall,i was stuck with Shameerah and the others, having the second talk.

As Alia had warned me before, i made sure that Mumbad was walking a couple of steps behind me when i was talking to each of them individually.

"Azad. I cant believe that this will happen so fast! I cant believe that im going to be your wife. Im sure im going to be the best wife in the whole world. Do you know that not everyone would get to marry their childhood friend? I think im very lucky to be with you. I have known you for three years and i know you more than any other ladies. When are you going to tell about us to your father?"she said holding my hands with both her hands and batting her eyelashes. I took my hands away from her. She cupped her hand around my arm and i shoved it. She stopped on her tracks while i continued to walk. "Azad, Azad!"she yelled. She ran in front of me and cupped my face in her hands. "Listen Azad. No one else should be marr-"

"Get your hands off me.NOW!" I bellowed. She took her hand off me and gasped. "I dont want anyone to touch me and guess what, you are not my childhood friend. I had one, and im sure she will come back one day!"i said looking at her palm and giving her a death stare; though i found nothing on her hand.

"Ermm..well..okay but let me be honest, Azad. Im not ready for marriage yet. Im still 22 and i think that i can still wait. I came here not to really ask for your hand in marriage. I just wanted to get out of my castle after all the talking about my wedding. So, yup. Just wanted you to make sure that you dont really worry for me" Kalsom said. "Oh wait theres something on your hand"i said pointing to her hand. She opened her hand and there was nothing. No moles. "Is everything alright?"she asked and I nodded.

"Oh my, are you okay? Are you injured? Let me see your plams" i said to Faryal. "Im fine Pvince. Its just my dwess. Its long and im finding it havd sto walk"she replied. Her speech is different!
"I suggest you pull back your hair or tie it up, so that you can see the ground better" i suggested. Never have i ever in my life given a woman a suggestion. She got up and shifted her hair behind her ears. Her ears were detached! One found. The last was Mairah.

"Do you know there's a saying that those woman who has a mole in her hand, takes care of her husband well?" I said trying to make it real. "Really? Lets see if im lucky then," she said and opened her palms. There was a mole in her left palm. I acted as if i was blushing and smiled. She smiled. Yup, Alia was right. Faryal and Mairah were both the suspects.

After talking to her, i couldnt wait to tell Alia about the discovery.

Its was nearing 11pm and i went to Aqil's chamber.

Alia was there sitting cross legged on Aqil's bed drinking coffee. This time round she was wearing a black hijab with a blue long sleeves that stretched below her knee and that had slits at both her sides. She looked up from her coffee and smiled. She gestured me to sit beside her. I sat down, cross legged too, feeling comfortable.

Aqil looked at me and Alia repeatedly.

"Woah, you guys didnt tell me to wear black and blue" Aqil exclaimed. We both looked at each other and Alia raised her hand to give me a high-five. I did that back and found it amusing. "Azad i have never seen you smile and you just did!" Aqil said. I bit my lip. "Get back to work boys" Alia trailed. She turned her body to face me.

"So, caught her?" Alia asked.

"It was indeed true. Mairah and Faryal" i replied.

"How did you caught them?" Aqil said, holding a cup of coffee.

"Well Faryal, i made her trip and acted as if looking at her palm but there was nothing. However,her speech and detached earlobes gave way. And for Mairah, i lied to her some sayings that those who has moles in their palms, would eventually take care of their spouse.."i trailed off. Both Alia and Aqil burst out laughing their heads off. Aqil nearly caught the coffee cup he was holding.

"You know you have to fake it till you make it" Alia said smiling. "Actually true enough. The conversation that i had with you the other day at the library was simply an act. I really didnt mean anything. I told you whatever that came to my mind" Alia said. There was pin drop silence after Alia's comment. I simply looked into her brown eyes.

"..So we know the culprits, and now we need a plan to capture them" Aqil started.

"Shall we like act out something, since they are acting to us?" I suggested.

"Like?" Alia replied.

" just suggesting but remember theres still one more important event thats going to happen. The dance..maybe we could do something then. But before as long as i know, in order to capture them, Alia you need to befriend them and talk to them" i said looking at both Alia and Aqil.
Alia's eyes became big and it was soo cute. Did i really thought of that?

Aqil asked me to repeat. Before i could start off, Alia spoke.

"I think i get it Azad. So during the dance right, i will need to do something?"she said.

"Yes. During the dance, you will be performing the second last. During the interval between the end of the performance and before the start of the last performance, you should do something. Then, you should be back by then and communicate with those two. I think they would suspect you"i replied.

"But it doesnt make sense Azad. Its like all over the place!" Alia exclaimed.

I stood and took a paper and a pen in my hand and started my idea. Sure this time i didnt want Alia to change the plan. Its time for her to listen to me now.


Azad hates Shameerah😁😁😁

How was the chapter about finding the culprit? Sure Azad should have come out of his comfort zone! He being a prince and a warrior did little things to find the intruder. Did you like it?

PS: like how Azad lied about the hand and mole thingy, i also lied, guys! It aint true!!

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