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Emma's point of view

Gemma and I decided to skip lunch. Instead, we headed to the hotel room she and Anne were staying in and told Anne about Harry. Since Gemma had found out, we figured we might as well tell his mother too. 

Anne was of course devastated. No mother wants to hear that her child has been hurting himself. 

After we had been away for a few hours, all three of us decided to head back to Harry's. When we walked inside, Harry was sat on the couch, playing with Ava. He was making faces at her, making her giggle. 

I sat down on the couch next to him, Gemma sat down on the other side, and Anne sat down on a chair. Harry handed me Ava as he furrowed his eyebrows because of his mom's face, which wasn't as cheerful as always. 

"Mum, are you alright?" Harry asked. As he spoke, a tear rolled down her cheek. "Mum, what's wrong?" He asked, rushing over to her. 

"Harry... I-I know what's been going on. I know you've been cutting yourself and I know you tried to take your own life..." She said. 

Harry sighed and then looked over at me. 

"I thought I told you not to tell them?" He said, sounding annoyed. 

"Harry, I didn't-" 

"I told you I didn't want them to worry about me, because I'm fine now. so this isn't really anything they need to know about anymore." He said. 

I was about to try and explain to him how Gemma had heard us and I hadn't told anyone, but then Ava started crying, most likely because Harry was raising his voice. 

I excused myself and brought Ava into another room, Harry's bedroom. I sat down on his bed and lied Ava down in front of me. I started making faces at her, trying to get her to stop crying. I smiled when I heard her giggle and bent down to kiss her nose. 

Only a few minutes later, Ava fell asleep. After taking a picture of her, I got up from the bed and just started walking around the room. 

The room was still pretty much the same, except from the new bed sheets. Other than that, it was the same. Same pictures on the walls, same mess on the night stands, and the same mess of clothes scattered on the floor. 

I sat back down on the bed, just watching Ava sleep. I was sat like that for a while before the door was opened and Harry walked inside. He sat down next to me and avoided eye contact. 

"I'm sorry I accused you of telling them. I should have let you explain. Gemma told me everything, and then she got mad at me for not letting you speak." He said. 

"It's okay. I understand why you thought I told them." I replied. "Harry?" I said, after a minute of silence. 


"When I was talking with Gemma earlier, I realized something..." I said, playing with the bracelet on my wrist. "I almost lost you. If I hadn't answered your call that night, who knows if you'd be here still... And when I realized that, I-I broke down. I realized that a life without you is a life that I don't want to live..." 

Harry looked lost for words. He had his mouth open, but not a sound escaped. I saw tears form in his eyes as he closed his mouth again. 

"Harry, please say something." I said. 

"Are you sure you mean what you're saying and that you just don't feel sorry for me?" He asked, wiping his eyes. 

"This is definitely not said out of pity. This whole situation has just opened my eyes and helped me realize how much I actually need you in my life." I replied. 

Instead of saying anything, Harry pulled me to him and hugged me. My face was resting on his chest, and I felt his heartbeat against my cheek. 

"I love you, Emma. So, so much." He said, kissing my temple. 

"I love you too, Harry." 

I looked up at him and met his eyes. He smiled at me, and just seeing him smile made me smile back instantly. 

Finally, he kissed me. And it was a kiss I had been missing for a year now. I had missed the taste of his lips, and the way they felt pressed to mine.

"You're mine again now, right?" Harry asked, his forehead pressed to mine. 



hope you like it!:) bit short, but

- m i a h xx

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