Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I sat on my bed while Billy examined the box. He was wearing a lose pair of jeans that sort of tightened around his butt. His shirt hugged his chest and shoulders like a second skin. Most boys I knew with tall figures like his usually seemed to look out of place or uncomfortable in their casing but Billy seemed proud of his extraordinary height and depth; he sort of reminded me of a fine-looking Viking.

He bent over and picked up the thick manual in his hands. “Install program before opening the box.” He turned to me and smiled. “Seems easy enough.”

Billy and I spent over an hour an hour on my computer getting my Robotic Boyfriend installed and ready to go. “Sam, can you get me some food?”

I went down stairs and brought up a bag of chips, a 7up for me and a fruit punch for Billy. I ran up the stairs and saw him just as I left him hunched over the computer.

When I entered the room, he spun around on the wheel chair very much like Dr. Evil in the Austen Powers movies. A grin spread on his face, “So what do you want to name him? I was thinking Qui-Gon Jinn.” I was in a state of shock. He wasn’t serious was he? “You know, Qui-Gon Jinn from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace…”

I gave him a bored look, my eyes wide but all the while droopy.

“You are kidding me. We saw the whole trilogy together.”

He laughed. “I know, I know. I was pulling your chain.”

I rolled my eyes and starred at the box. The large letters just jumping out at me, throbbing like my head was at this instant. ROB-BIE. ROB-BIE. ROB-BIE.

“Robbie,” I said finally, “Call him Robbie.”

“Last name?” He asked eyeing me. His thick eyebrows resembled caterpillars, and though I know that doesn’t seem very attractive, but it suited him. He was a different kind of beauty, not the ordinary kind that girls swoon over on television, but never the less, he was something to look at.

I smiled to myself for a little moment. “Winchester.”

His laughter boomed throughout the empty house, I felt the floor shake and the windows vibrate. “Supernatural buff.”


And then he clicked enter.

*           *           *

This was it.

This was the moment.

I held onto Billy’s arm. He pushed me off so he could get the box open. When the large wooden sides of the crate fell to the ground with a thump, I saw the Robot for the first time. I couldn’t see his face or anything because he was in a ball-like position; all I could see was the top of his head full of light brown bouncy curls, his bare wide shoulders, the front of his shins and his feet.

Billy backed away as the robot began to stand up. Its movements were slow but smooth, extremely human-like. I couldn’t avert my eyes from him, from my Robot Boyfriend rose up. The anticipation made my stomach lurch.

That’s when I saw Robbie for the first time. His light brown curls fell in front of his hazel eyes; his eyes cheek bones, his crooked nose that was oddly sexy, full lips and strong jaw bone. My eyes than wondered to his muscular shoulders, to his large chest down his abs-

“Oh shit!” I gasped and turned around quickly. “He’s naked!”

“Wow,” Billy said, “His junk looks so real!”

I rushed out of the room, shocked at the sight I had seen. I walked into my father’s room and grabbed a pair of clean underpants, jeans and his hulk t-shirt, which had been lying down on the floor. When I returned, Robbie had his hands over his crotch blocking my view as he and Billy had a very normal conversation. It would have been extremely weird, but then again it was Billy and a robot, so I mean, weirder things could be happening.

Without a word, I handed him the clothes and turned around, letting him dress. Billy then coughed. It was a signal for me to face them.

“I’m Sam,” I said extending my hand to his. I pulled it back though at the thought of where they had been a minute ago.

Robbie smiled a cute dimple-filled smile. “I’m Robbie Winchester.” He looked so man-like, so real; it was hard to believe that he had come out of the dusty crate lying on the ground of my room. 

ROB-BIE: Robotic Boyfriend Incorporated EnterpriseWhere stories live. Discover now