Chapter 21

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Hey Lovelies, sorry it has been a while, i hope that this chappie makes up for it! please comment share and like! You are my inspiration and my muses!! Thank you so much for your support!

The sky had turned a midnight blue, when I finally opened by eyes. I must have fallen asleep at some point. I didn't know the time; I didn't know if my mother was looking for me or if she called the police to come find me and I didn't honestly care. All I wanted to do, was focus my sights on this beautiful sky with its bright twinkling lights.

"So beautiful," I let out in a breath of admiration. The sky was so mesmerizing.

Suddenly a voice echoed in my ear and scared me. "Beautiful may be a stretch." I turn my head to see Billy lying next to me.

I laughed. "But it is! How can you not see that?"

Billy shrugged and turned away from me, looking back up at the sky. "I think people are beautiful." 

"Can't both be?" I asked.

He remained unmoved. "Maybe." We sat there in silence, enjoying one of the last few warm nights that this Indian summer would give us. I could hear his slow hallow breaths and the distant sound of fast moving cars on the highway. "Sam, don't you think you're taking this a little too far with Robbie?"

            I turned my head to him, baffled. "What do you mean too far?" I sat up to look at him now. My hair was messy and I felt some twigs latching onto my tangled hair and I couldn't care less. I heard Billy groan as he continued to lay next to me.

"Sam, I think you're starting to forget that he isn't real. He isn't your boyfriend; he's a machine that you ordered on the internet."

I got angry and I felt my voice raise to a fuming volume. "I am not dumb Billy. I know he's a robot! But you can't deny the plan is working! Leo is into me, we've been spending time together."

Billy then got up and now he in turn looked pissed off. "What is wrong with you Sam? When are you going to get over Leo? He's not even that great and besides that Sam; don't you want to be with someone who cares about you? Who wants you when you're you? Who wants you even when you're not somebody else's?"

I was dumbfounded for a moment. Then tears started slowly falling down my face. "You know what Billy, I'm sorry I am so pathetic and that there aren't guys lined up who want to date me and that I'm such a loser that I need to trick a guy into liking me!" The tears were falling uncontrollably, I couldn't help myself. All I knew was though, that I couldn't let this continue and I couldn't let him see me like this. So I got up before he could do or say anything, picked up my bike and started away.

I could hear Billy calling for me in the background, but his echo began to fade and my tears soon left my face as the wind blew them off my cheeks. When I finally got home, I chained my bike to the balcony and just sat there, the tears still dripping down my face. These words, I had thought to myself many times over at night, but never said them out loud.

"I can't believe I said that to him," I muttered to myself, my head in my hands. I wanted to go back in time and take back all that word vomit I spewed and just talk to him like a normal person. I sat out there for a while, not wanting to go back into my house and hear it from my mother.

Instead, I just sat there, looking up at the sky. There was something poetic about crying under the moonlight... I don't know what is wrong with me. Why did I say that?

"You okay?"

I snapped my head up to see Leo standing in front of me. I quickly wiped my tears and smiled. "Yeah I'm fine." I could feel the corners of my lips wavering. He would know. I'm not fine.

"You don't look it." He replied. I don't know what indicated him that he could come sit with me, but he did. He walked over to me and sat next to me on the steps of my balcony. "You okay?"

"You already asked me that."

"Oh," he smiled embarrassed, lifting his arm over his head to scratch. He looked so attractive it squeezed my heart. I need to hold it together. I can't let him see me like this. "Sorry, my bad."

            I smiled weakly. "That's alright. I'm okay."

He then put his arm around me, pulling my head to my chest. I stopped breathing this was my moment, I would finally have my moment with Leo. I knew it.

"Well, a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be sitting out here, crying." He said, his arm radiating warmth into my skin. The smell of his cologne pushing into my nostrils grabbing hold of me from the inside out. I wanted to nuzzle myself deeper into him.

"I wasn't crying, the wind was just making my eyes tear." I lied. I didn't condone lying, but sometimes it was needed.

"Alright," he nodded. He then just sat there with me. Eventually his head leaned onto my own, making his proximity overwhelming. This was it, this felt so good. This is what I wanted. He then lifted his head. I moved my head instinctively without thinking. He then lifted his hand to my face, placing it lightly under my chin, and smiled. "You have eyes like stars." He then leaned over and planted to most beautiful and softest kisses. 

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