Chapter 24: All eyes on me

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Chapter 24: All eyes on me

His smile reached his ears when our gazes met "well?" he asked waiting for our response. I looked down and blushed, "no" I said shyly. He chuckled and bended down to my level and lifted my chin up with a finger studying my face as if it was the most fascinating things in the world.

His eyes caught mine and I smiled shyly at him, "talking about me" he asked smirking, obviously liking the thought of that. I was so amazed by the man in front of me that I didn't answer. Instead I asked the question I was dreading to ask "What are you doing here?" I asked trying to sound all cool about it and hide my excitement.

Inside I just wanted to jump into his arms and – yea I am not sure what I will do then, kiss him, hug him close, stare into his eyes and get lost for eternity – SNAP OUT OF IT MILEY!!

I really wanted to get up and run into his arms and just be held close in his arms. I needed his comfort. I wanted to be their mate, this entire mate thing made my life seem like a fairytale. I just wish my fairytale would lose its hold on me and let me be me.

He blinked flirtingly at me and smiled wider "had to check up on my princess" he eyed me carefully and his smirk changed into a frown "are you mad at me for that?" he asked nervously licking his bottom lip.

Please stop doing that, I chanted in my head feeling the need to touch him, just somehow I wanted to touch him, but I had to act all cool about it. I just shook my head without saying a word. Was I mad at him for showing up? – Maybe... they just let me go, only to grab me tighter?

He kissed me on the forehead and I felt all eyes on me in class. "Don't worry love, it's only this class" he told me like he just read my mind – he couldn't be doing that, could he? – Of course not, if he could then he would have known all of my "plans"... yea there is no need to deepen that.

"Are the others here too?" I asked carefully trying hard not to sound too eager to see them. I just had to know, if they would sneak up on me somehow. All ten of them here in my school, with their temper, I doubt that is going to end well, but dreams and reality are usually not the same, even though I secretly wanted them to be here, or did I. Ugh they are so confusing, I like them a lot, but still they are just so clingy and possessive.

He shook his head and stood straight up "even though we want to, we can't we have work to do" he smiled weakly, in a voice saying that I shouldn't be sad about it, not that I was. "We only watch you during this class, I promise, and then you have Jar" he said pointing at my guide-dog.

He went up to his desk again and acted like a normal teacher barely noticing me. Our gazes met a couple of times, but he kept it professional. The class ended and I moved into the hallway. Angela followed close behind and soon was beside me.

As we walked I noticed everyone looking at me, probably only my imagination so I kept looking forward. When I neared them I saw them group together and whisper looking up at me a few times, indicating that I was the gossip.

The next class was boring, I didn't understand a word of what the teacher said, I am not fluent in this language and when she spoke so fast I had a hard time keeping up. I sat in the back and could see the students turn giving me looks. Some curious, some mean and some even smiling.

I am not even new at this school, I have been here before, back the no one noticed me, except from Angela and Ethan and their friends, not that I remember their names, but I have had a conversation with them consisting of a hello, what's your name and a bye, nothing interesting.

Lunch time came and I walked with Angela towards the cafeteria. Since first lesson I hadn't seen Damon at all, but Jar on the other hand was EVERYWHERE. As Angela and I walked, with my guide-dog, AKA Jar watching my every move. I saw once again people staring at me.

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