Chapter 31: It's a date!

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Chapter 31: It's a date!

I showered and shaved, making sure not having one single mistake on that front. For them I wanted to be perfect. As I sat in the bath many thought were running in my head and I couldn't stop a girly suppressed screaming laughter to cross my lips.

A date! It is a date, it didn't stand there, but it is – I just know it. My first date ever, what are we going to do? Are we going out? Are we sitting here watching a movie? Uh – or maybe a picnic. That would be so cool!

A picnic with me and my 10 musketeers, I like the sound of that. But what was best, the musketeer part or the my part. They are mine! My freaky mates! I could live like in a playboy-mansion... with the only difference that they have girls and I have guys, but how awesome wouldn't it be to have them walking around every day with nothing to cover their muscles  serving me..

Miley stop! Naughty thoughts...

What if she decided to come earlier and pick me up? I hurried and got out of the shower and was already drying my hair. I nearly fell as I was in such a hurry, I just jumped out of the bath and grabbed the counter to hold me up.

With my hair hanging naturally with frizzes all over and unwanted curls in my hair I jumped in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and speed walked out of the room. "A date huh?" I familiar female voice said from behind me.

I turned to see Rochelle leaning on the wall chuckling "the 10 musketeers, cliché don't you think?" she sounded almost annoyed. I just rolled my eyes at her and continued my path. "Relax, I was joking, a date, that's going to be so fun, but I thought you were going to save your mates?" she followed me down a hallway and into the kitchen.

To my surprise the kitchen was filled with people, nope – my mates is not here!

A bunch of boys was sitting around the table talking loudly. I couldn't make out what they were talking about as they were busy laughing and punching each other on the shoulders.

None of them noticed me, so I walked awkwardly towards the sink to take a glass water, i took a glass and stood up to turn the water on. Talking came closer towards me and something crashes into me and I loose balance and there is a loud bang.

The next thing I know my hands is in front of me trying to take the fall, but I slide with one hand as it slides down onto a piece of the shattered glass and my head knocks down into the floor making it bounce up with the force of the fall.

I am lifted up from behind by strong arms. "I'm so sorry Luna, I did not see you" a male voice spoke. I pulled my hands up to my hurt forehead and hold onto it to increase the pain.

He turned me in his arms a second after he lifted me up. He had shoulder-length curly honey hair and silver eyes, he looked just as sexy as my mates. His eyes widened as he saw me from the front and placed me on the kitchen counter.

The other rushed to his side as if they sensed his fear and ran to stand around me, all trying to get a good look at me.

One of them grabbed my hands and it all happened so fast. "My forehead" I complained, they did not make attention to the real pain. They ignored my complaining, and started to rub my hands.

I felt a liquid run down my forehead down to my eyebrow. "My head hurts, I think I am bleeding" I told them this time more strictly to make them look at it. With my free arm I pointed at my head but was ignored again.

The one who lifted me shook his head and dried the blood off of my forehead with his hand. Ryan burst into the kitchen and pushed the others away, "leave" he ordered and they all obeyed his order like lost puppies.

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